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Her body was heavy and numb. She could no longer feel the warmth of her bed, nor could she sense Robin's strong and comforting arms around her, keeping her close. Instead, her mind was far away from the island, trapped in an in-between world.

She could see nothing ahead of her, only a slightly grey aura, slowly filling her clouding her mind. Suddenly, she felt light and disconnected from her own flesh, as if her consciousness was being taken away from her. Then, just like a child falls into the deepest of slumbers, Regina had escaped reality and found herself lost among nothing but memories.

The knowledge of herself came back quickly enough, just only this time, there wasn't an arranged bed beneath her body.

Regina was locked in a small room with no doors. The walls were damaged and it's cracks would let a dim light in. She blinked a few times trying to make sense of the place, but she had never been there before. The queen walked towards one of the walls, reaching out until her long fingers touched one of the cracked holes. Her move was careful and slow, but she leaned into it, moving her eye towards one of the many wall's disruption.

She saw nothing but a pure white light, so light it hurt to look.

"Where am I?" She questioned, her voice low and uneasy.

In response, an old wooden door magically appeared at the left side of the small chamber. She approached it hesitantly, noticing an unique family symbol carved on the door handle. Frowning slightly, Regina realized it was the same as the one in her mother's spell book.

The sight brought a nervousness to her that she hadn't felt in years. The queen kept her gaze down and taking a deep breath, opened the door.

When Regina stepped out she was at home, in Enchanted Forest. More precisely, in her old house where she had grownup with her family.

Frowning, she turned around in order to find the door she had just came from, but it had vanished; the door and the chamber.

"Look, Daddy!" A child exclaimed between giggles.

Regina's head froze at the sound of the young girl's laughter and the frown she wore was one of profound astonishment. She turned around carefully, doubting her ears. However, her eyes widened in confusion as she faced her child-self planting an apple tree.

"What is happening?" Regina murmured, baffled.

Was she dreaming?

"Am I doing it right?" The child asked, not noticing at all the queen's presence there. Apparently, the real Regina was as noticeable as a ghost for the father and daughter standing in front of her.

"Oh, my love." Sr. Henry said, chuckling and bending down to hug his young daughter.

Regina's heart sank at the image of her father alive, delighted with something she was doing. If only he could see her now, she was sure he would feel nothing but disappointment.

"You are doing an excellent job, Regina! This will be the biggest apple tree in the entire realm, you'll see!" He added, gently squeezing his daughter's shoulder.

"I thought Mother would never let me do this. She says it isn't what ladies are supposed to do." The child responded in a quiet, sad voice.

Regina looked at her young-self with saddened eyes. She remembered this day, when she planted her famous apple tree. It was a memory she cherished with all her heart.

"Your mother loves you, Regina. She only wants the best for you." Sr. Henry answered, his face aging many years whenever his wife's name was brought up.

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