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Both prince and princess stayed at the table for a little longer before attending their routine as royals. Nevertheless, such tight schedule wasn't enough to stop them from worring about the queen's reckless behavior and unexpected news.

"I think you should talk to Regina. She can heal it." Snow suggested, indicating her husband's injured forearm.

The prince glanced over the tight white bandages holding safely his movements back, making the healing process quicker. "I'm fine. I just need to wait a few weeks." David responded, gently squeezing his wife's hand.

Snow sighed and pushed him into the corner of the hall, looking at him with a concerned expression. "I know you are, but we have to be prepared to fight if another attack is settled. Now that we know it is possible to be with our family again, you need to be stronger than ever. We both do." The princess insisted, leaning forward to hug him. David instantly returned the gesture, smoothing the princess's soft skin with his good hand. "You have to." She insisted, her words no more than a whisper.

Charming gave her a small smile in reassurance, lifting her chin until she was looking at him. "I'll talk to her, Snow." David promised and kissed her gently. Seeing a smile forming in his wife's lips, the prince winked at her, turning around to leave.

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David walked headed to the stables. His arm was broken but the prince still had duties, and he refused to be left in a room just because one of his pulse was hurting a little. Charming passed through the East Exit of the castle walked until he reached the vast field of Regina's property. He only slowed his peace when the old familiar construction was seen.

Smiling slightly, Charming walked in the stables knowing his horse would instantly recognize him. just as he expected, the mare whinnied as soon as he smoothed the animal's strong legs.

"Hello, big guy. Hungry already?" David questioned, chuckling while caressed the horse's body.

The prince was interrupted by a loud sound of laughter. It caught his attention immediately, and he was quick to finish his duties with his mare. David's feet drove him into the barn's door, urged by the growing curiosity inside him.

As David stood baffled, his jaw fell open and his eyes widened in shock. Charming couldn't believe in what his eyes were telling him, and even if it wasn't likely, he considered the possibility of being enchanted - the scene before him was just as lovely as it was absurd.

So there he stood, watching the couple spending their time together just to make sure he wasn't under any kind of spell. David frowned as the term couple was associated with those two specific people in his mind. "That's impossible. How...?" He questioned himself, but halted his sentence midway when realized he had no answer to it. David looked away; the last he wanted was to intrude.

"I need to talk to Snow." He stated, smiling. "I definitely have to talk to my wife." He decided, shacking his head in total astonishment.

The prince watched the duo for some minutes trying settle his thoughts. Then, he went back to the castle, suddenly not caring much about his duties as a prince. Snow was going to freak out when she discovered the news.

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"What happened during the time you spent in your vault?"

Regina closed her eyes momentarily, inbreathing deeply as Granny's inquiring hung in the air. If she was true to herself, this constant questioning from people was starting to irritate her more than it should.

"I was researching, as you already know." Regina answered drily, taking another step into her objective: getting into her library. The quest was appearing to be impossible, though, giving constant interruptions.

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