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The world turned into purple and when their vision cleared out, they found themselves standing on a different part of the forest. Well, at least on what was left of it. It was all burned. The ground was covered in dust. There was no sight of Ursula nor Cruella.

Snow blinked, trying to recognize the place. It felt odd being in such lifeless part of the island. However, a smile appeared on her face when she spotted Claire.

"You saved us." Snow whispered stepping forward. "Thank you, we would probably die in that place." She added.

"Well I couldn't just leave you all there." The girl sighed. "I'm sorry, this was my fault." She added, glancing at Snow's belly. "Your baby is fine, by the way." She added. Snow nodded, beaming.

"How is this your fault?" Granny frowned in confusion. "Why help us, by the way? Not that I didn't appreciate the jester. I thought you liked the goddess?" The old woman murmured, narrowing eyes.

"I heard you were her... fan or something?" Hook asked suspiciously.

"Ursula's fan?" Claire quipped sarcastically, letting out a laugh. "Come on, guy-liner." The girl snorted and waved her hand, turning herself back to her natural form.

The pirate took a few steps back in surprise when Regina's gaze found his. "Bloody hell." He muttered, pretty much mirroring those who hadn't figured out yet Claire was actually the queen.

Before Regina could say anything, she felt like a giant bear was squeezing her to death. Eventually, she realized it was only Granny's hug. "You know, there are better ways to kill me. Asphyxiation isn't really how I'd like to go – I want to breathe." She murmured, slightly suffocated.

"How could you disappear like that?" Granny inquired; her tone slightly desperate. "Don't ever do that again!" The old woman yelled angrily.

Regina scoffed and glanced at Ruby, who watched them with a smile on her face. "Is she always like this?" The queen questioned, still trying to get out of Granny's hug.

The young werewolf laughed. "Usually, she's worse." She answered.

Finally, Regina managed to untangle herself from the elder woman's embrace and turned to face the others. They all looked at her with gratitude. It was something new to her, not being hated.

"I believe I owe you my life. Thank you, milady." John said, smiling.

The queen nodded. "No need of that." She added.

"Where are we?" Grumpy asked, looking around.

"I don't know." The queen confessed.

"I would never imagine the island had a forest so... destroyed." Charming pointed out.

Regina sighed. "Yeah, this would be my fault." She murmured.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"You did this?" Robin questioned in a worried tone, wrapping one of his arms around her. The queen took a deep breath, how would she explain it? She felt the thief squeeze her hand, encouraging her to talk.

"The explosion. Was that you?" Tinkerbell softly asked.

"I'm afraid so." Regina quickly answered.

"What happened?" Snow asked, stepped forward.

"Honestly, I don't remember much. I was angry and... hm... I had to take it out on something." She said in a stern tone.

"By burning a forest?" Sneezy asked stepping away.

"I don't expect you to understand, dwarf." The queen bitted out.

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