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The bump he felt as he touched his head was not a good sign. He sat down clumsily, cursing under his breath when a slight headache crept it's way towards the left side of his head.


"David, are you hurt?" Snow came as quickly as she could and kneeled beside him gracefully.

"I'm fine, it was nothing." Charming answered, moving to stand. "What was that anyway? What's going on with them?" He added, glancing at both Regina and Hook, apparently arguing again.

"Let's find out." The princess sighed, helping her husband up.

As the couple approached the group, harsh words were listened.

"Can't you just shut up and listen for a second?" The queen snapped.

"What the hell was that about?" Hook said, exasperated. "Did you do that to me?" He added furiously, taking a step towards the brunette.

"She just woke you, Killing. Both of you were trapped in some kind of nightmare and she helped you snap out of it." Robin stepped in between them, defending Regina.

The thief's words made Hook's anger deflate somehow. He glanced at the queen, whose eyes held an unusual lint of understanding. Embarrassed, the pirate looked away and sighed.

"What happened to you two?" Tinkerbell questioned, diverting her gaze from Hook to the queen.

"Nothing." Hook answered shortly, his expression dark and filled with resentment.

Regina looked away out of respect. Apparently, he'd experienced the same hell as she.

"It was not nothing, boy." Granny snorted.

"You two were making strangled noises all night. You better tell me why I couldn't sleep." Grumpy muttered angrily.

"Seriously? We have to endure your endless snoring every night and now we are the inconvenient ones?" Regina bitted out.

"Come on Leroy, clearly they passed through quite some trouble tonight." Snow said in a reprehending tone.

Regina sensed Hook gazing her awkwardly. She started to feel uneasy and eventually glared back at him. "What?"

The pirate glanced at her wound. He gave her an apologetic look and murmured. "I'm sorry for your arm."

The brunette studied him carefully. He had dark circles under his eyes and seemed to have aged years in a few hours. She wondered if she looked as wreaked as him.

"It's fine." She responded in a calm tone, nodding slightly.

"Why only you two snapped?" Charming questioned, still massaging his soared head.

Tinkerbell made an annoyed face. "Is this island. Merlin's power here is very strong."

"So what? He decided to torment people now?" Snow inquired, concerned.

The fairy tilted her head and found the queen's gaze. "Am I right, Regina?" She asked.

"I guess." Regina answered icily, looking away from her stepdaughter. She couldn't shake the resentment that stayed with her after her experience in the in-between world. It had reminded her how much she once hated Snow White.

"But I thought Merlin was one of the good guys." John commented.

"Merlin fought against darkness his entire life and now the island will do the same." Regina said in a low tone, earning everyone's attention. She glanced at Hook and sighed. "You might expect more experiences like this, Captain." She murmured.

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