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The deeper they got into the forest, the darker it was. High trees with giants leafs, rocks and a dense vegetation surrounded them, making it hard to walk. However, it was the least of their problems.

Sleepy, one of the dwarfs, had almost tripped and fallen on top of a spiky bush. If it wasn't for John grabbing him before he fell, his fall would have been a tremendous set back.

"Bloody hell, mate. Be careful." Hook exclaimed, making the dwarf murmur a quick apology.

"Where are we?" Grumpy asked in a tired tone, narrowing eyes.

"In the middle of a very annoying forest." Regina answered sharply. "So watch your step." She added, groaning.

Far from them, Charming observed the group. He couldn't focus on their task while Snow's stubbornness kept him from telling the others what he wanted to. Not being able to share the news with people was eating him alive.

"You have to tell them." He whispered to his wife, eventually, after taking a few steps towards her until they were side by side.

"This is not a good time, David. Look around you!" The princess whispered back, just as frustrated.

"Snow." He murmured in a reprehending tone.

"What are you two doing?" Regina questioned, turning to look at the couple suspiciously.

"Just talking." Her former stepdaughter answered without hesitation.

"Right." The queen said in disbelief. "If it's not too much of an inconvenient, stop talking and walk faster. You're slowing us down." She added harshly, turning to face the path ahead of them.

Snow gave David a warning look and told him to be quiet. The prince nodded, reluctantly.

"Guys, I'm hearing something." Ruby stated, halting her walking midway.

Everybody slowed their steps and ceased the talking, diverting their full attention to the surroundings.

"It sounds like an animal. A big one." She added.

"Let's stay close." Robin suggested.

The group walked carefully through path they'd chosen to take. After Ruby's comment, the forest grew oddly quiet. Everybody was uneasy and anxious, waiting for something to happen.

"I can hear it too." Granny murmured suddenly, frowning.

Seeing the old werewolf picking her crossbow, Robin and John took the opportunity to do the same with their bows.

"Wait." Regina said in a firm tone, stepping forward.

She bent down and placed two fingers on the ground, focusing all her attention on her magic.

"I can't feel anything coming." She murmured, frowning in puzzlement.

"That's because it isn't on the ground." Charming stated, his eyes wide as he moved his hand to his sword. "Get down!" He yelled when saw the beasts coming.

He ran to Snow when the animals appeared, staying protectively in front of her ready for a fight.

The others looked up to face the monsters and Snow and Regina exchanged concerned looks. After all, the same flying monkeys who attacked them when they'd returned to Enchanted Forest were now attacking again.

The only problem was that now, it wasn't just one - it was the whole pack.

Before the beasts were dangerously close, Tinkerbell was already flying and using her own magic to stop the attack.
Granny, John, Robin and Snow were frenetically throwing arrows at the flying monkeys. Their aim was surprisingly precise, and the trio had been able to kill a great number of enemies.

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