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"Finally!" Maleficent exclaimed, her smile widening as she stood up.

Diablo, who always made sure not to be far away from his master, entered in the room with shiny eyes.

"Did you locate it?" He questioned, smirking slightly at the sight of a very excited Maleficent.

"Yes, I did." The witch murmured, placing her hands together and closing her eyes, sighing while turned around to face her companion.

She walked towards him and placed both hands on his human cheeks. "We have a long trip to make, beautiful one." Maleficent quipped, grinning.

"Where to, Miss?" He played along, chuckling slightly.

The witch smirked. "To a very interesting place, if you must ask." She answered, tilting her face to the right. "Hunted Island." She added, letting out a small laugh.


The group kept walking until they could no longer tell how many hours had passed. Eventually, exhaustion would've hit them. However, after being in flying monkey's attacks, Storybroke's former inhabitants knew better then to cease their search and hang in the middle of the forest.

"I'm so sick of this place!" Regina groaned, just as she was hit by one of the tree branches. "Get out of my face, damn it!" The brunette bitter out, pulling away a giant leaf that was now blocking her passage.

Robin couldn't help but laugh. "It's good to see you so relaxed, milady." He teased, winking playfully at the queen's exasperation.

"Island one, Regina zero..." Granny mocked, smirking.

The brunette rolled her eyes and her face immediately turned into a scrawl. As she was about to respond, Hook spoke.

"That's strange."

The pirate, who was leading the group, halted his walk and added. "The forest ends here."

Followed by murmurs of joy, Regina laughed. "It was about time." She said.

"I wouldn't be so cheerful, love. We're blocked by a giant stone wall. It's like someone placed a mountain in our way." The pirate pointed out, just as the others came closer, now being able to see the passage.

The queen frowned and stepped forward to examine the wall.

"It's magical." Tinkerbell stated, joining the queen on her study. "I can feel it." She added, glancing at the brunette.

"Yes, it is." Regina agreed, turning around to face the others.

"What is that?" Snow asked curiously, pointing to a rock above what seemed to be the entrance they were searching for.

"A drawing... I guess. I can't tell it from here." Regina muttered. "Tinkerbell, can you take care of this?" She added, turning to face the fairy.

"Sure." She said, turning around to face the rock.

Tinkerbell opened her wings and flew until she was face to face with the drawing.

"There's a message in here!" She told them, frowning slightly. "It's too outworn. I can't read the full sentence, just fragments like 'in darkest moments they'll guide you home' and 'people forever gone find their resting place'." The fairy said slowly, letting the words get to her.

She looked down to face the queen and sighed. "It's a charade, Regina." Tinkerbell stated.

"And we'll need to answer it to pass through." David murmured, nodding.

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