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Rumple's mood matched the cloudy day. His tired eyes glanced over the trees and looked back at the path ahead. Since the group of heroes had left the cave, he tried to send Regina another massage, hoping she would help him regain his freedom.

Unfortunately, Ursula and Cruella were always too close for him to try anything. The two women were quiet, but stayed nearby, paying attention to what he was doing.

If anyone asked him, the Dark One would say they were scared. Not scared of the situation they were in - following a group of people that could somehow put an end to their plans. No. This time, in this very moment, they feared their own emotions and memories.

The last couple of days had been exhausting, not because of the nonstop walking, but because each one of them still thought of what had happened back at the cave.

Clearly, nobody wanted to sleep anymore. Sleeping meant having far too realistic nightmares.

However, he could sense the tiredness in both woman. Rumple knew it was a matter of time before they asked him to stop for a few hours.

"What are you thinking?" Ursula questioned, her expression annoyed.

"You don't have to know." He answered dryly.

"Just because we don't have to know, darling, it doesn't mean you can't tell us." Cruella pointed out.

Rumple frowned. "Is it really entertaining having me talk about my life and thoughts? Don't you have anything else to do? Maybe you should think of a plan that will actually work for a change!" He snapped, his hands closing into a fist.

"Our plan is going to work. We will get that stone." The Sea Goddess assured, smiling slightly.

The Dark One chuckled. "Then you are dumb to think Regina won't fight it." He murmured, grinning.

"Why worry about Regina when we have such a weapon like the Dark One to use against her and anyone else whenever we want to?" Cruella quipped, laughing evilly.

Rumple's jaw clenched. He felt his heart sunk at the thought of being forced to murder people Belle cared for. She would never forgive him. She wouldn't know he was being forced to do it. In his anger, he increased his pace, urging to stay away from his captives. At first, he thought they wouldn't let him stay too distant, but the women didn't seem to care.

Taking advantage of not having them breathing into his neck, he took the opportunity to send another massage to his former student. By the time he finished, the Dark One hoped Regina would understand his plea.


The heroes continued their search for the Thunder Stone. After spending days in a cave, it was good to be around trees and to see the sky again. It helped to cheer up the tension that contaminated the group after Regina and Hook's break down.

No one had forgotten, but they were no longer speaking about it. Now, they focused on finding the right path towards the stone.

Charming walked calmly, standing at his pregnant wife's side and thinking of what the future held for his family. He had a very difficult mission in hands – return his wife and child safe and sound to the castle. Not that Snow wasn't able to take care of herself, but having his girl sword fighting wasn't the most ensuring thought.

"Are you alright?" His brunette princess questioned, her smile small and unsure.

David looked at her and nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked gently, returning the smile.

"It looks like you're somewhere far away." Snow answered, turning her gaze back to the forest. "You're worried, I get that." She reasoned, taking his hand and caressing it in the most delicate way.

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