Run Away

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"Now that our first plan didn't work out, I'll need your help to lead us to the stone, imp." Ursula commented; her mood snappy ever since the incident with the queen.

"I already told you I don't know where it is. We've been through this." Rumple breathed out, turning away, rolling his eyes.

"I know, you did. That's why I want you to follow Belle instead. She's with them now. I'm sure you have something with you in here that belongs to her. I've watched you after we ordered the attack on them, when that infuriating woman wasn't here." The goddess responded drily, lifting her eyebrows threateningly.

The Dark One glared at her. Indeed, even though he didn't know where the stone was, now that for some reason Belle was too involved in this search, he could do such thing. She just wished she hadn't given him the ring. He didn't want to obey these two. "Regina's group has been walking randomly ever since we first arrive. Why do you think the know where the stone is?" He quipped, trying to change Ursula's mind. He didn't want them near Belle.

"Nice try, darling, but don't you find funny that Regina wasted her time calling Belle for help? Do you seriously believe she would done something like this if this girl couldn't help her?" Cruella commented, smiling slightly.

Rumple stared at her for a few seconds. Regina wouldn't waste time, not when Henry was at stake.

"I saw you playing with her ring yesterday. You kept it." Ursula stated, her tone indicating she was done waiting. "Make the damned spell or I swear I'll make you regret it when we find her." She added, stepping closer.

For the hundred time since he was trapped with them, Rumple wished he could kill them both. Reluctantly, he did as she ordered.

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The dwarf tried to wrap his mind around everything he was being told. "A Temple?" Grumpy murmured again, his feet leading him forward, following the group without knowing if it was the best for him to do.

"Yes, that's what the map showed us." Belle insisted, sighing slightly tired of explaining it to him again.

"It's a good thing, Grumpy. It means we're finally close to getting that stone! Now we know where to look" Snow added, beaming.

"We're pretty close to Emma." Charming murmured happily, quickly glancing at his wife, who mimed his expression. Before she could say anything else to him in return, Regina's voice raised.

"We're not getting anywhere near it if you keep moving this slow!" She yelled from behind her shoulders, walking meters ahead of them.

"It's the thread time you've said that!" Charming complained, rolling his eyes.

"I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you just, I don't know, walked faster!" The queen mocked, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Snow chuckled. "I'm pregnant you know?" She responded, smiling. Regina simply sighed in response.

"Let's go before she turns us into frogs or something." Ruby whispered into Snow's ear, laughing slightly.

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"Look! There's the Temple!" Maleficent exclaimed, pointing to an old construction not so far away.

Diablo walked at her to see where she was pointing at. "Wow. It looks like a castle!" He commented, anxious.

"Yes, it does. Guess what, in a few hours we'll be there." The witch said, her eyes sparkling in excitement.

-- |¥| --

Belle's ring floated through the woods. The Dark One moved quietly, searching for any sign of his love. He longed to know how she was and why had she come to the island. At the same time, though, he wanted her far away as possible. Away from him and these two idiots.

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