Game On

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The duo walked around the cave without an objective in mind, discussing their plan. It was crucial that both were aware of the next steps - discretion was essential.

Their faces were covered by the darkness of the place, softly illuminated by torches which hanged on the stone walls, flickering slightly.

"How are we following them, darling? I can't breathe underwater like you do." Cruella pointed out.

"I'm well aware of your condition." Ursula replied, glaring at her. "I already said to you, I have all planed. There's no need to worry, we will get there in time." She added.

"Then, by all means, tell me." The thin woman insisted. "We established this society, but I won't be the one waiting for your command." She added, scoffing.

The goddess sighed and turned around to face her companion, annoyed. "That imp is going to cast a cloaking spell on us. We'll be invisible until I say different." She explained.

Cruella smiled, humming. "Perfect. I'll enchant a whale to take us where they're going. Since it is your domain, a sea creature might be the best choice. Besides, there's a possibility Maleficent will find us if we get there by flying." She suggested.

Ursula nodded, slowly walking towards the cell. "Time to be useful, dearie." She mocked as the Dark One came into her line of vision.

Rumplestiltiskin clenched his jaw as looked up. He held a maniac gaze fixed on the current water near him, apparently lost in his thoughts.

"Hey! Do not ignore me." Ursula added, leaning forward until her face was close to the bars.

As if he had been burnt, the Dark One stood up within seconds, jumping on the goddess. Her surprised gasp was suppressed by Rumple's hands on her throat, choking her breath away.

Cruella's bafflement made it impossible for her to react. Fortunately, Ursula managed to think faster. While she tried desperately to free herself, she used her tentacles to push the Dark One away while grabbed the dagger, whispering a command for him to let go off her.

Reluctantly, Rumple softened his grip over her and the goddess threw him away with her strong tentacles, making the Dark One collide in the cell.

"When this is over, your end won't be pretty." He bitted out, wincing at the sight of his dagger on Ursula's hands.

Taking her time to steady her breathing and recompose herself, the goddess watched her friend come closer, placing a supportive hand on her back.

"No, you won't." She responded, her fury making her eyes darken. "You're nothing without this." Ursula mocked, lifting the dagger.

Rumple huffed, standing up again. "If you only knew how pathetic you are." He murmured, gazing the duo.

"Well, that's not quite true, is it? From where I stand, you are the one locked up in a cage, darling." Cruella taunted, her tone dripping disdain.

"You'd do best not to underestimate me, dearie." The Dark One threatened.

"We'll see about that. For now, you have work to do." The goddess stated, gripping the dagger harder. "Come and make yourself useful." She bitted out.

Groaning, Rumple followed her, feeling the pull of the dagger work on him.


Holding Regina's message on hands, Hook walked through the deck of Joly Roger. When the queen told him about the Thunder Stone, he immediately accepted her offer. It was probably the only way of seeing Emma again.

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