40. Again

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I dedicate my last chapter to my good friend AnimalStyles aka emily/jace she was the one that got me into Wattpad so please thank her c:

also im going through a horrible break up, dont worry i wont make the last chapter horrible. cx 

Amanda's POV

I want to cry and I want to leave Justin behind me but I keep getting this feeling that I should go back to him, but thats not something I can do after I left him. Hes not just going to take me back. Im so stupid I left him and now I want him back?

I look over at the TV E news yay.... I watched as they talked about Justin. "It seems Justin Bieber and long term girlfriend Amanda Lewis are officially over- Im really sad about this break up she really seemed to be changing Justin for the better-" I turned it off.

This feeling like my stomach is about to explode, its horrible. Can I just get over him and be done with all of this?! I lay down and spread my arms out exhaling a long sigh I start to fall sleep.

Justins Pov (I just wanted yall to know how he was taking the break up)

My energy has been at an all time low, I dont want to do anything. Its like Amanda took all my happiness... wait she was my happiness.

"Dude come on get up take a shower, do something." Ryan says jumping on my bed, but he does this every morning so I'm used to it.

I'm all rolled up in my blanket like a burrito scrolling through twitter. Amanda why did you do his to me?

Amandas POV

I wake up in a pissed off mood, I reach for my phone to see for any new messages; and of course I have a billion from Ryan. I know he wont leave me alone till I answer him so I call him back. The phone doesnt even ring before he picks up.

"AMANDA! You're alive." He says in a very excited voice. I rasie my eyebrow at him although he cant see him.

"Yeah whats up?" I ask not really caring for what he has to say but I'll be nice and at least listen.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, are you like Justin that hasnt gotten up since the night you guys broke up or?" Is he trying to get me to go see justin?!

"I guess I'm alright. I'm not doing the best you know I did break up with Justin Bieber..." I lightly laugh.

Ryan laughs."Yeah, so would you like to go to the club with me, but as a date. I just want you to move on and be happy. Hey maybe you'll find yourself a new guy." I bite my lip.

"I dont know im kinda busy." I say looking around at my empty hotel room.

"Stop lying tell me where you are so I can pick you up later. Dont worry Justin is not getting up any time soon... trust me." I sigh. I might as well do something since I lost all my friends. I agree and tell him which hotel I'm at.

I didnt even try in getting ready. Like whos there to impress? No one!!! What am I thinking I cant start a new relationship, Justin still has all my love. 'Hey Justin... give it back v.v'

I take one last glance at my outfit, I wasn't in love but then again I wasn't disappointed in what I had on. Just as I was heading to the door I heard a knock.

I come face to face with Ryan. He's looks way better then me... Wow.

"You ready?" He asks smiling at me. I just nod. Ryan opens his car door for me... This is weird, going out to the club with your ex's best friend.

I thought the car ride was going to be so awkward, but Ryan is actually fun to talk to to. He showed off his amazing singing skills. Watch out Justin cause Ryan is pretty good.
"Let us go ma lady." Ryan said opening the car door for me.

"We shall." I said acting all elegant. As we walked to the club I got lots of odd stares. I felt very uncomfortable. Ryan gave a slight nod to the bouncer and he let us in. No questions asked.

My eyes widened as my sight adjusted to all that was going on its an all white theme....everyone including RYAN was wearing white!

I smack his arm. "Why didn't you tell me that it was an ALL WHITE CLUB!?"

He laughs, "ahaha... Sorry I forgot, but your red dress sure does get a lot of peoples attention."

I look around and he was right a lot of people were looking at... I don't like this must leave!

Ryan noticed how uncomfortable I was and grabbed me. "Stand right here I'll be right back."

There I was in the middle of the dance floor alone... Wait a second where is every one going?! I watched as the dance floor was cleared.

Just as I was about to leave as well... The light got dim, I turned around to face a projection screen.

A video was playing with photos... Of me and Justin. My heart is starting to feel heavy.

I watched as the first picture brought back memories... The first time we went to the club and I was not used to the flashing... My face ahaha.

The second one is of the interview when Justin told everyone we were dating.

The next one got to me, Justin and I went on a jog that day and I fell in the mud and I pushed Justin in with me. We're all smiles.

I was having trouble breathing as the pictures change and reveal all our amazing memories. I didn't realize I was crying until Justin appeared in front of the screen. He was also wearing all white. And in his hand he had a single white rose.

With one hand behind his back he walked towards me. I was hot I couldn't catch my breath.

Justin got on one knee and said. "Amanda Brown will you marry me?" 

I've been with Justin through thick and thin... we've made it this far, let's do this!

With my heart pounding tears coming down my face I jump on him making us both fall and I whisper in his ear.. "yes baby I'll be with you forever."  

The end

Authors note:

Its been fun. I mean when I started this story I never thought I would get this many reads. I'll admit I was more passionate when I first started writing this book... thank you 

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