12. Mr.Sexy Harry Styles

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Amanda's POV

I've been thinking and I regret kissing the jackass. I'm dying what the hell was I thinking. I keep rewinding the situation I don't understand why that happened. I just realized that I confessed that I liked him. I didn't even know I liked him.

*Knock Knock*

I got up from the couch and went to open the door."Who can that be this early in the morning?!"

I then felt a stinging pain in my left cheek."Ow what the fu...why did you just slap me?" I asked Yovanna.

"You little slut." She screamed.

"Who do you think you are calling me a slut!" She just can't come in here and call me a slut for no reason. Where's Jimmy when you need him. Gosh!

"Oh you haven't seen this?" She held up a magazine with Justin and I kissing!

"Justin Bieber hooking up with babysitter." I read. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. "Where is he?...Where is Justin!" Man shes got a problem.

"Uhh...JUSTIN!" I called out. Dulce is going to see this and kill me motherfucking KILL ME! Why did this happening to me. Jesus why I pray every night.

"Gosh Amanda will you shut up its 7 am like.... Yovanna!" He better not lie cause I will punch him. Justin walked over.

"Look what Yovanna came to give us." I handed him the magazine. As he read his expression was not what I expected.

At all.

He smiled. "Aww we look cute together." Is he fucking serious! Out of all his reactions he choose to be happy? OMG HE CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.

"You're a jerk." Yovanna walked up to Justin and punched him right in the face. "What the hell not the face!" I laughed a little.


"Hold still you monkey." Justin raised his eye brow. *zzz zzz zzz* Our phones have been ringing all day.

"Well it hurts!" I was currently dabbing Justin black eye with alcohol. Yovanna had rings on so yeah...

"You realize that we have to face Dulce and Scooter someday right?" He nodded his head.

"Yeah we might as well go see them right now." Well this is my last day working for Justin. It was fun. Man I was finally getting enough money to go to collage.


"Aww look at the lovely couple." Dulce frowned.

"Justin do you realize what you have done." Dulce paused. "Yes I do and"--"The fans love her."

"Say what now." I blurted. "No no I'm not going to fake date him." I've read fan fictions.

Dulce and Scooter just laughed. "Yeah no that's not going to happen."

"Wait then how are we going to solve this 'problem,' cause there has to be a reason you kept calling us."

"Yes there's a reason, but this is not it. We aren't going to do anything about this scandal. Amanda you do realize that you have this week off." What.

"Really?" Dulce nodded her head, Justin just looked amazed. "Well that's great." even though I have a break I don't want it. I want to spend time with Justin.


"So are you leaving today?" Justin asked me.

"Uh yeah, but Justin I don't want to hear that you are doing dumb shit."

He smiled. "I won't get in trouble I promise." Do I trust him?


"Justin I'm serious, I want your fans to be proud of you, they are, but not the way they should."

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