21. Betrayed

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Amanda's POV

Last night was perfect. Justin wasn't an ass, although I low key love it. We decided to wait a couple I weeks until we make our relationship official. Dulce said I could date him now because Adriana is out of the picture.

"Hey Amanda!" Jen runs into my room. I've gotten use to her walking in at random times. I sit up straight pushing my hair out I my face.

"What's up?" I say yawning. Jen passes me her phone.

"Read it." I begin to see pictures of Justin drinking at a club. He's smiling like crazy, his shirt is off, worst of all there's girls all around him. I began to feel angry.

I clench my teeth. "When were these taken?" I say handing Jen her phone back. She frowns. Although we aren't official I still get pissed off.

"Like 5 days ago." I sigh, thank god. I look at my phone an I have a message from Justin. I quickly lock it, because Jen is looking.

"...is that Justin you're texting?" She says with a bit of bitch in her tone. Do you ever feel like your bestie low key hates you? Cause that's how I feel right now.

I can't lie to her. "Yeah he surprised me last night. My parents took me to dinner, but it was really Justin." I say smiling at the thought of his arms around me, but Jen looked beyond pissed.

"Oh that's...nice." She was smiling through the pain I could tell. I understand her jealousness. It's not everyday your bestie dates your idol/dream husband.

"Okay Jenny...Thank you for trying to be happy for me, but you suck at hiding that you're pissed off." I said, I want her to tell me what's wrong.

"Well I'm pissed off, because you're dating my idol. I do want to strangle you, but you're my best friend and I am happy for you." Jen smiles at my, but I can't help, but feel like she's not being honest.
A couple of hours later I got a call from Dulce and that worries me, because she may say it's over I can't talk to Justin anymore and I don't want that.

"Hey Amanda, I just wanted to tell you that I want to rehire you as a babysiter." I laugh, because Justin told me he was going to get into trouble so Dulce would rehire me.

"Oh yeah cool when do you want me to begin?" I ask.

"As soon as you can get to Justin's Ryan is with him making sure he doesn't go out." Ryan...he's sexy.

After I hung up the phone I packed and got ready to leave back to Justin's it's been a while since I've been there. My dad doesn't really like Justin.

"Amanda are you sure you want to go back over there with him?" I fight the urge to roll my eyes, simply because he's my dad and I understand why he's worried.

I put my hand on my hip. "You took me to dinner with him, how did you not see this coming?" I say in a calm tone.

He sighed. "I know," my dad mumbled as he walks to his room. Not even a goodbye. As for my mom she's all in to Justin. She thinks he's hot.... cougar.
Once I saw the huge black gates, I knew I was at Justin's. I'm so exited to see his dumb ass.

"Aye Amanda----" Ryan said stretching the a out. I got out of the car being embraced by Ryan's bear hug. I snuggled in and smiled. His hugs give me life.

"Hey let go of my girl!" Oh my god Justin said my girl. I felt Ryan's arms unwrap themselves from my body, sad face.

But once I saw Justin, my heart skipped a beat. I ran towards him so he could catch me, of course being the dysfunctional couple we are. He tripped and we fell.

We both laughed as I was laying on him."Damn I'm excited to see you too, but you didn't have to tackle me." I smiled. Justin's lips met mine, and I felt everything stop.

"Romeo and Juliet, we got shit to do." Ryan was obviously jealous that I was kissing Justin. His arms were crossed and he was looking anywhere, but us.

Both Justin and I got up. "Don't worry bro you'll always be my number one."Justin winked at Ryan, and I swear Ryan was blushing.

"Okay then...Im just gonna go to my room." I said slowly walking backwards.

"Wait no you're sleeping in my room." I frown at Justin. I need privacy, and with Justin I'm never going to get that.

"Hah you thought you can asleep with Ryan." I said walking way.

As I reached my room I decided on taking a shower. I rinsed myself and got out of the tub. Then I noticed I forgot my towel. I ran out I the bathroom, looking around my room for a towel, but I couldn't find one.

I knew Justin was still down stairs so I went into his room and was looking around for a towel.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I saw Justin, I jumped on to his bed covering myself. Justin was just staring at me as if that really just happened.

"What re you doing here?" I said as I make sure the blanket is covering me. Justin was just smiling.

"Baby this is my room, unless..." I cut him off.

"Haha I was just looking for a towel." I got up with the blanket wrapped around me. I started to search for a towel.

"I can be your towel." Justin said in a very desperate tone. I turn around and walked towards him.

He looked ready to rip the blanket off me. To be honest it's kinda sexy, it's suddenly gotten really hot in here.

"Babe..." I try and breath but god damn it, it's Justin fucking Bieber the guy with the tattoos and the 6 pack. I just realized that he's mine-ish.

"Yes?" He smirks at my reaction. Why am I just acknowledging his sexy ness.

"Never--mind." I say walking out of his room with the blanket. What's wrong with me?

"Hey Ryan can you go to 7-11 and get me some Takis." Justin, Ryan and I were sitting on the couch doing nothing.

"What the fuck bro," Ryan gave Justin the what face. I just laughed.

"I'll go with you Ryan." I said. At first Justin didn't want me to go, but I convinced him to let me go.

"Do you want anything?" Ryan asked me. I just shook my head. I was too distracted by the fact that there are two girls stalking Ryan and I.

As we walked out of 7-11 I tripped thankfully Ryan caught me.

"You are clumsy as fuck you know that," I laugh as he puts me down. I wonder who's going to end up marring Ryan he's so sweet. Why is he single???

I got out of Ryan's car and walked towards the front door. As I was making my way to Justin's room I heard two people. I stopped at his door.

"Are you sure she won't find out?" It Justin, wait is he talking about me?

"I'm positive she won't find out anything." Is that Jenny? What is she doing here. Why is she talking to Justin??

"Okay should w-" Justin stopped talking, okay just walk in they will probably be talking about... stuff.

I walk in and drop the 7-11 bag. I feel tears running down my face. I'm left so confused.

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