27. Familiar Faces

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Amanda's POV

After last night Justin has been so sweet and he's been kissing me more than usual. I'm not complaining. Its amazing.

I felt my new phone ring my old one couldn't take the alcohol. I open my messages its my mom.

'Amanda your father wants you to come over tonight.'

"Hey mom my wants me to go over today." I tell Justin seeing if he wants to come along, but before he can answer my mom sends me another text.

'Please do not bring Justin we want to spend sometime with you.' I frown okay then.

Justin squints his eyes wondering what it says. "Sorry you can't come." I say.

"What why? Do your parents not like me?" I roll my eyes. Every boyfriends nightmare.

"Justin you've never met them. Which you should soon." I say stating the truth he's never met them.

"Which is why I should go!" He whines like a child. I just turn around head towards the fridge.

"Fine ignore me. You're lucky I'm letting you leave. You know since you're my babysitter and all." He crosses his arms as heads to the living room.

I trust him. I'm only going to be gone for a couple hours. Maybe he can invite Lil Za since they haven't hung out in a while. He moved out.

I give up on looking for food in the fridge. We need to go grocery shopping. We never actually go out.

I walk over to Justin. "We need to go buy food." I say earning his attention.

He groaned. "But I want to stay her and cuddle with you." He says embracing me in a hug.

"As much as I'd like to cuddle we've done enough of that now let us go!" I yell heading towards the door making sure Justin is behind me. And he is, but he's slouching and pouting.

I run to his collection of cars. I grab the keys to the Black range rover. Just as I head to the drivers side, Justin stops me.

"I don't think so." He says taking the keys and leading me to the passengers side. I decide not to argue and get in. So does Jimmy since he hast to protect Justin like I'm right here.

I like being a passenger. I can look at Justin and distract him although it's dangerous.

"You're cute you know that." I tell him. He keeps a serious face. Although I know he likes it.

"Yeah but you're gorgeous." He says giving me a quick kiss at a red light. Its not long before we see paparazzi driving behind us and on the side of us.

I've gotten used to it, but its quite annoying getting screamed at with rumors. I log in to twitter. The fans know that Justin and I are dating well the whole world does. The fans like me well most of them.

I tweet. 'Good after noon every one what is up?'

I usually get on when I'm trying to past time. They usually say inappropriate things or stuff like marry me. They are adorable.

"Babe we are here." Justin says getting out. He doesn't let me get out until he opens the door for me. Jimmy needs to guard us from all the cameras.

I've learned to keep my head down and pay no attention to them. Its actually really hard. They say the dumbest things and I just want to tell them off.

Justin walks into the grocery store. He called in to the manager to rent out the place while we shop. I never knew we could do that.

I grab a cart heading for the snacks. While Justin runs around grabbing things and tossing it in the cart like its basketball.

"Soy sauce do we really need this?" I ask Justin as he puts it in the cart. He shruggs taking it out.

"Jimmy what's you're favorite snacks?" I ask being curious. He never really talks to me. He walks over to an isle and comes back holding some twinkes.

I smile as I put them in the cart. "A gift from me."

Justin was paying cause obviously he has money. And doesn't want me to pay for some odd reason. Like I can pay I'm kinds rich with the whole baby sitting job, but its whatever.

When we got home Justin and Jimmy unloaded every thing cause I had to go get ready for my parents little dinner thing.

"Justin I'm leaving. No party's don't go out of this house understand?" I said knowing that he might break any of the rules.

He gave me an annoyed face. "You're serious? I'm kidding yeah I'll behave."He said heading towards the gaming room.

No kiss? Okay.


" Mom why couldn't Justin come you know he should met you guys. " I said.

She hesitate. "You know your dad thinks you and him aren't... Good together and he doesn't feel comfortable with you two dating and living together."

I sigh its no use talking to her. "I understand now where did dad go?" I ask looking around for him.

She stirs the rice. "He heard the door ring." I frowned.

"Wait who else is joining us? Oh god you guys didn't tell me for a reason who is it?!" I asked freaking out.

But before she could answer anything my dad walked in with someone. My dad was smiling as though he had done something amazing.

"Amanda you remember Roger?" He asked facing the guy who I think is Roger.

He waved at me. Roger, Roger... Oh my god. "Roger hey." I say remembering the familiar face. He was my neighbor back in 10th grade.

"Yeah he came to visit his mom and wanted to stop by and visit you." My dad said.

I just awkwardly smiled. Roger had to move when his parents got divorced. I never really talked to him. Unless I saw him through his window.

"Oh how sweet." I said in a sarcastic voice. But no one noticed.

"Yeah he's joining us for dinner." My dad smiled. And I smiled back.

My dad made Roger and I sit next to each other. I texted my dad saying why he was here.

He responded with Roger is a good guy and I should date him. Which pissed me off.

"I'm just going to go help your mom with the food." My dad said getting up and leaving Roger and I alone.

"So...you remember me?" Roger said facing me. I really wanted to leave.

"Uh yeah...when you weren't fucking girls." I whispered the last part.

"Wait what?" He said in a surprised tone. "You saw me having.... Oh shit." He slapped his for head.

"Yeah you always left your blinds open." I said waiting for my dad to come back.

"Yeah sorry. Umm you're really dating Justin Bieber?" He asks laughing.

"Yes why are you laughing!" I say getting  angry.

He laughs. "Isn't he a fag? I heard he doesn't even have a dick." I could feel my nose scrunch up.

"He has a dick and its way bigger then yours!" I whispered screamed.

Right before he could reply the doorbell rang and in came Justin. Great....

Authors note: the guy in the picture is Roger.

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