4. Girlfriend?

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I was eating breakfast when Justin walked in and sat down across from me.

"Aye we got to go for a conference." He said

"Cool." I casually said.

"Yeah...but we are both getting interviewed." I raised my eyebrow.

"What why?"

"Just so we can clear everything up."

"Ohh when are we leaving."

"In 30 minutes." What!

"Oh my god Justin!" I ran to my room and got ready as fast as possible.

"Lets go!" I yelled at Justin.

The car ride we both listened to music. Jenny texted me.

Jen:Ha you're all over the tabs.

Me:Ha I know Justin and I are going to a meeting.

Jen:I know

Me:Weird...I gtg bye.

I didn't check for a response I could hear all his fans they we pounding on the window.

"Grab my hand." I looked at him funny.

"Come on they are going to attack you."

I sighed,"Fine." I grabbed his hand and Jimmy rushed us to the entrance.

Some lady took us into a room with desks in front of the room then chairs in front of them. once we sat down at the desk paps started to walk in.

"Be cool."

"Justin I'm cool okay." He started laughing. I just rolled my eyes..

"Welcome now who would like to ask the first question?" A lady asked all the paps. Of course they all raised their hands.

"You." Justin pointed to a man in the back.

"This is a question for the young lady." I froze, I guess Justin noticed cause he squeezed my knee which made me even more nervous.

"Whats your name?" I can do this my name just my name.

"My name is Amanda Lewis." They all wrote it down much like my mom when shes watching the cooking channel.

"Justin are you two dating." I was about to answer when Justin blurted something out.

"We wont answer till the end of this meeting."

"Now let me clear this out she's my babysitter, we all know I've been all over so I think Amanda can help me make my life better." Justin said.

The rest of the meeting consisted of all my personal information being asked age, school, favorite color, animal, food, you name it I answered it. We were getting up to leave when.

"And Yes we are dating." What the fuck is this boy saying. Justin grabbed my wrist and dragged me, past all the screaming beliebers.

Once I was in the car I yelled at him. "What the fuck Justin I'm your Babysitter not your girlfriend!" I slapped him. Then we both got a text message from, Management. We both looked at each other. We're fucked. Well Justin is.

It read. 'Justin and Amanda Meet us at the office NOW!'

Justin what the fuck.

The way to management I just looked out the window I didn't even talk to Justin. "Amanda I'm sorry about saying that." Justin slid next to me.

"Amanda I'll tell you why I said that, Okay so I was going to tell Dulce that I didn't need a babysitter, but then I saw you. Amanda I really like you, but not like I would date you."

"That's Stupid you just told Everyone we are dating!"

" I know, but its because I was jealous."


"Jealous of Selena, since shes dating Niall Horan." Can I start laughing.

"So why do you need me?"

"Wow Amanda you're pretty, but not so smart." I punched his arm.

"Okay okay, Amanda I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend." NOPE

"Justin I'm your babysitter not your girlfriend." I saw him get sad, but what could I do I'm a babysitter not a fake girlfriend.

Once we got to the 'Office' I sat down across from Dulce who wasn't very happy.

"You know Justin when I said go clear everything out I didn't mean say you're dating AMANDA!" Dulce yelled.

"I know, but I was just having a little laugh." He laughed, but Dulce wasn't to happy.

"I see Amanda hasn't done her job." What!

"I-"Justin cut me off.

"No don't blame her she was going to say something, but I grabbed her and left."

"Just fix it." With that she told us to leave.

When we got back to Justin's house I went to my room. I logged on to twitter, but instead of hate I got so much love. I have no idea why, I'm 'dating' Justin Bieber! They arent freaking out.

Beliebers were telling me how I could change Justin and get him 'back' whatever that means. I read this post that made me want to cry.

'Amanda I believe in you I hope you can get our old Justin back he would always tweet us, but now he barley says anything, you're beautiful, and by your answers at the meeting you look smart please fix Justin. Thank you.'

I re-tweeted it Dulce couldn't say anything there's nothing saying I cant 'date' Justin.

I looked everywhere for Justin where is he?! No please don't tell me he went out. Ugh.

"Manister!" After a minute he was standing in front of me.

"Yes Miss?"

"Wheres Justin?"

"He's in his studio." Studio he never told me he had one.

"Take me." I was watching Justin write down what I think was some lyrics.

"Justin?" He looked at me and dropped everything. I never noticed how cute he was.

"Y-yeah?" I went over and sat down next to him on his leather couch.

"I accept to be your fake girlfriend."




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