17. Mannys Boyfriend?

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A/N So I waited to update today August 28, because it's one of my readers birthday Happy Birthday SwaggyBieber_ I don't know your name, but I hope you like my present, Love you!

I think this chapter is a little long, but that's okay!

Amanda's POV

Peyton was two fist away from ruining Justin's "perfect" face, but I stopped him. I'm angry at Justin, but I have other ways of dealing with him.

"Amanda I've been looking for you." Justin ran up to me.

"Justin you lied to me we kissed while you were talking to that girl!" I tried to contain my anger.

Justin then wraps my legs around his waist pushing me against the wall. Justin looks into my eyes, his finger traces my cheek bone. I glare at his exposed tattoos, I've always loved them.

"Justin this isn't right you need to stop." I cup his cheeks. Trying not to look to long at his toned arm.

"No you listen to me. Adriana and I aren't really together it's just management." I sigh.

"Well as long as you two are together I can't interfere," Even if it is just a fake relationship, I can't. Dumb I know.

"Baby you're not, I want you to be with me." I groan.

"It's not that I don't want to be with you, it's just that I'm seeing someone." Man did I make a mistake telling him that. Justin slowly put me back on the floor.

"What the fuck with who?!" I flinched as he yelled at me.

"I got jealous of you and Adriana besides you two are together and there's nothing I can do about that!" I started crying, I hate crying.

"Babe stop crying, I'm sorry Im just pissed off." He came over to me and carried me bridal style to my room. Quite romantic if I do say so myself.

"You deserve it you know, That's how I felt when Adriana said she was you're girlfriend." I said as he laid down next to me.

"I know I'm a jerk, but please don't get into any other relationships." He said as he played with my hand.

"Justin I think this is what best for us." Frustrated Justin got up.

"This is best for us is you going out on a date with some guy!" He put his hands through his hair. "That's not okay!"

"Oh and faking a relationship is?!" I lead him out my room.

"Justin we'll talk later." I could see he was deciding whether to say something or just leave. He left.

I'm having second thoughts about meeting up with Tyler this is a blind date. We've been texting today, but I'm still nervous.

"Wow that was some argument." My eyes land on Peyton who is leaning on my door frame.

I slightly laugh. "Yeah well welcome to Casa de Bieber." I say while I do my make up.

"Let's not talk about Justin let's talk about Tyler!" Peyton sits on my bed.

"What about Tyler?"

"When's he picking you out and where is he taking you?" Peyton scans a magazine.

"Well he picking me up at 8 and I'm not sure probably dinner." Tyler hasn't told me where we are going.



"Tyler is here!" Peyton ran into my room. Do I look okay? I walked into the living room.

Wow Tyler's actually pretty cute. He's tall, he has a nice body, and his jawline can make any girl weak.

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