Chapter 3 | Wishes

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Mitch's POV

"GET TO MAKE A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT YOUR TOUR!" She screams, jumping up and down.

All the five of us could do was sit there. People want to watch a documentary about us? Our lives on tour? All we ever did was sing, and we love it. Judging by everyone else's faces, they are thinking the same thing.

"Esther, are you serious?" Kevin asks, sitting up straight.

"Damn straight I am." Esther laughed.

"Wow." I said to no one in particular.

"Yeah. Wow." Kirstie said leaning back on her chair.

After soaking in all the news, Scott, Kirstie and I went out for some lunch. We went to this cute corner cafe near our apartments, and when we walked in, Scott and I were in a conversation about tour.

"I want the top bunk." Scott whined.

"No, I want the top bunk." I said.

Kirstie butted in, "Why can't you both, just get the bunks opposite each other, so you both get top?"

Scott and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"Because we don't want to be THAT far away from each other." Scott stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

And also because I only have to go up of down one bunk to cuddle with you.

Kirstie rolled her eyes, and asked "Oh and is there something you guys aren't telling me?"

"Uh. No?" Scott said.

"Then what was all the hand holding and whispering during the meeting?" Kirstie teased.

"KIRSTIE. You, young lady, should very well know that that is normal for us." I sassed

"Okay, whatever you say Mr Red tomato" Kirstie said, not believing anything.

I noticed blood rushing up to my cheeks but before I had a chance to fight back, our food came and we started digging in, forgetting about the conversation.

After finishing our meals, we said our farewells and Scott and I got an Uber and went back home. I was excited for tour and I'm sure our fans are too. I sat on our couch with Wyatt on my lap. I looked through my twitter and favourited some tweets, and that made me think. 

If I favourite one tweet, that makes one person in this world so happy. I have the power to do that. What more could I wish for? Suddenly, my flaws and my wants started popping in my head. To look perfect 24/7. To never sing off key. Too be efficient and get things done in time. To loose enough weight. Scott. Wait. What? No.

"Maryy." Scott whined before prancing on me and destroying my trail of thoughts

"SCOTT. NO" I shouted realising what he was doing. He was tickling me.

"I HATE IT. SCOTT. I HATE YOU SO MUCH" I manage to say before bursting into laughter.

"I love you too" Scott said laughing, gradually stopping.

You don't even know...

The position he tickling left us in was our cuddling position. Or maybe we just shuffled into the position. Either way, I loved it.

Scott's POV

Mitch and I were on the couch cuddling after the small ticking session I started. I started thinking about what we should do tomorrow, we were most probably going to stay home and play with Wyatt before we leave for tour. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something... CRAP

"MITCH" I scream scaring Mitch, and breaking our cuddling position.

"WHAT?" Mitch screams back, looking around really worried.

"WE FORGOT TO FILM SUPERFRUIT!" I screamed holding his shoulders.

"Oh shit." Mitch said as realisation dawned him.

We sat there thinking about what to do. Tomorrow was already Tuesday... It isn't possible to film AND edit one before tomorrow, and we already broke the chain of uploading before. Break the chain. Wait... (A/N: Kudos to those who got that)

"Mitch... Remember the video we filmed with Ricky?" I asked.

"Oh my god. Stephanie you are a genius!" Mitch shrieked.

Not long ago, we filmed a video with Ricky but we didn't upload it. Thank god.

"Okay, I'll edit it now." I stood up to get my computer from my room.

"But come here to edit, I still want to cuddle." Mitch pouted. I chuckled and nodded.


A bit of a filler chapter. Sorryy. Promise drama is coming  ;)

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