Chapter 48 | Advice

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Scott's POV

Once I got rid of Alex for the moment, I went back on the dance floor to look for Mitch and the bastard. But they weren't there.

I ran to the bar and looked around. Not there.

Couches. Not there.


I burst through the door to find Mitch pinned onto the wall by the same guy. I could see he was struggling and I could clearly see tear stains.

That little fucker.

I ran up to him and grabbed the guy and gave him a good punch.

"You." I paused to punch. "Don't." Punch. "Mess." Punch. "With." Punch. "My." Punch. "Mitchie."

I stood up to see he was already unconscious. And to think someone that muscular would be stronger...

I turned around to see Mitch crouched on the ground.

"Mitchie..." I say my tone completely changing.

I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulder. I couldn't help but notice he flinched.


"Why did you do that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you stop him?"


"Because I know you aren't okay." I say moving his bangs into place.

His eyes were red but I could see tears he was holding back.

"Go find Alex. I'm going home."

What? No!

"Mitch. You're drunk."

"I'm sober after you just beat the shit out of Rio."


"Mitch stop... I want to talk."

"Not now, I'll talk to you back home."

And with that he walked out of the bathroom and probably back home.

I run a hand through my hair..

What am I doing wrong?

Mitch's POV

I hailed a cab and jumped in. I knew I was crying and that the driver was looking at me but I just ignored his glance and stared outside with my tears streaming.

"Hey boy." The driver stopped the car at the side of the road.

"Why did you stop?" I ask getting scared all of the sudden.

"Don't worry boy." he turned around to look at me, "what's your name?"

This man was probably in his late 50's and his eyes showed genuine concern.


"Well Mitch... I don't know you or anything about what is happening in your life. Maybe what I'm about to say might sound completely crazy to you. But I'm going to say it anyways."

I look up at the man again and he gives me a small smile before continuing.

"I can tell from how heartbroken you look right now, that you've always had someone to lean on, and now that he or she is gone, you feel like everything's falling apart and you can't do anything about it. But I'm here to tell you, you can. You can do something about it. What you can't do is wait. You can't wait for someone to come pick you up. You can't hope for someone to come help you each time you fall down. My advice to you is, things won't just work out."


"You are a beautiful young man."

I scoffed at that comment.

"Ah... You don't believe in yourself."

My eyes widen at how this man can just see through me.

"Why are you helping me?" I say trying to sound strong, but it coming out as timid.

"Because you remind me of myself. I'm not saying that you are going to end up like me driving a cab, because I know you will be successful but you remind me of myself because of how much hope you have but you're broken underneath all those fake smiles. I just wished that I had someone to help me when I was your age."

I gave this man a smile as he continued driving me home. Once we reached my apartment, I gave this man a 20 dollar bill but he shook his head.

"Please it's the least I can do" I insisted in giving him the money.

"I have enough money to support both me and my family, and I am very happy about it." he said as he got out of the cab to open the door for me.

By now I feel so guilty, this man is willing to take up so much time and effort to talk and help me.

I step out and I look at him before asking, "Can I give you a hug?"

He chuckled, "Of course."

I gave him a tight hug before parting.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem Mitch Grassi." he said winking before getting into the cab and driving off.

I never told him my last name.


Hey you guys :)

I'm starting to fall back on ideas but I'll work it out. Though, if you have any thing you want to add into this story, comment please :*

Love you guys.

~Lynn <3
Tumblr: penta-fruits

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