Chapter 41 | Falling

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A/N: Woah, it's an early chapter. It's because I guess I have nothing better to do in life and looking at all your comments make me happy :) So, y'all get a double. There will be a chapter up in 2 days, or so :D 

This chapter will have a long flashback but it's a...dream? Just a warning so you guys won't be too confused. Flash back in italics.

Love y'all.


Mitch's POV

I feel so... tired.

I want Scottie.

I want my Scott back.


"Yeah babe?"

"Scott asked me if we were good. Well, I think we're good." I paused. "Okay. We aren't good but I want him back. He said he didn't want to lose me, but what he doesn't realise is that he never lost me.  He never will. It's me who lost him. I lost him to Alex. I lost the love of my life. I love him Kirst." I mumbled as I felt myself drift off into sleep.

Before I fell completely asleep, I felt Kirstie move my bangs out of my face and I heard her whisper, "I know Mitchie. I know."


"Hi babe." Scott said "You sound great."

"I hate you." I say.

"You don't mean that." He hugs me tighter.

"You're annoying."

"You love that about me."

"You mean nothing to me."

I didn't mean that.

"That's not true."

"How do you know that for sure?"

"I just do."

"Prove it."

Prove that you won't leave me.

I feel his pressure off of my back and hear the hotel door shut.

Did I just lose him?

I jump up and follow him out the door.

"Scottney?" I ask looking around.

Why am I such a bitch?

He'll leave me. He'll leave me for Alex.

"Scott, I know you are somewhere, please come out." I begged. My voice cracked and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Scottie, I love you... Please?" That was my last attempt.


Scott's POV

Mitch will come back right? He said he needed me right? It was my fault.

I picked up my phone and my wallet before calling a cab. When the cab pulled up at Alex's apartment, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I knock on Alex's door but there was no reply. I heard some shuffling and movement, so someone was home.

The door creaked open and I saw Alex peek out.

"Oh! Babe! Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to visit for a bit." I answered. He still hasn't opened the door for me to go in yet, so I furrowed my brows to show confusion.

"Give me one minute." He shut the door and I heard some shuffling again, before he opened the door for me to go in.

"Are you okay Al?" I ask stopping him.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just doing some paperwork and all that. I'm actually glad you came over." He smiled at me before sitting on the couch.

"I just wanted someone to talk to." I say hoping that he would ask me if I was okay.

"Well, for starters, I was so stressed with work and everything. I didn't have time to ask you out again."

"It's okay. I don't really mind. I'm sorry I forgot to answer your text."

"It's fine. We all know how bad you are at replying. So do you know what I've been doing the past day?" Alex asks moving closer to me.

Yet again, I never managed to talk about what I wanted to talk about. We just did what Alex wanted and I guess it wasn't that bad. It did take my mind off of Mitch. So I guess it helped.

"Hey babe? Are you staying for the night?" He asked.

What if Mitch went home? But he doesn't want to see me, he wouldn't. 

"Yeah I am."

Mitch's POV


"Scott, I know you are somewhere, please come out." I begged. My voice cracked and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Scottie, I love you... Please?" That was my last attempt.

I walk up a corner and I saw Alex pinned onto a wall, and Scott kissing him.

Scott turned his face to face me and I felt my heart break in two.

"You said I meant nothing to you. The feeling's mutual. Go fuck someone else. Slut." Scott spat at me.

No this isn't my Scott.

I look into his sky blue eyes to see any sign of regret. But all I saw was disgust. Disgust at me.

I turned around and ran.

I ran down the hallway of the hotel.

Then I felt myself fall.

The familiar feeling of falling.



Sorry for all the POV changes. Hope the flashback/dream wasn't too confusing.

If you guys are confused what happened was, I repeated a scene from my previous chapter. (Chapter 18) It was all the same but it had a nightmare twist that didn't actually happen but it was Mitch's nightmare.



I made a tumblr guys, woah.

(Shameless self-promo: @penta-fruits because someone stole mine XD)

I'm going to use it as a place where I can talk to you guys :) 

Go followww~~

Leave your usernames as well, I want to follow some of you guys :)


Love y'all.

~Lynn :)

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