Chapter 42 | Gone

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Mitch's POV

It was almost 2am in the morning but I begged Kirstie to send me home. I woke up to the nightmare racing around in my mind.

And I wanted Scott.

Even though he might not want me. I just need to see him.

I put in my key into the keyhole and twist. I walk into Scott and my apartment. I miss him already. I just want to run into his arms, and fall asleep.

I miss him.

When I open the door, I'm met with darkness.

Maybe he's asleep?

I turn on the lights and walk to his room. His room looked like a mess. The blanket sheets like he just woke up. His charger by the side of his bed. No him.

He said he wanted me to come home. Why isn't he here?

I check my room, and the kitchen for a note.


He's gone.

I let hot tears slide down my face. I felt my breath catch in my throat. I felt my breath quicken and I take in sharper breaths.

I miss him.

I need him.

I tried to take in a breath but instead a sob comes out and I struggle to breath.

I run back into his room and climb into his bed weakly. I reach down for his blanket and I bury my face in his pillow. It smells like him.

I take in a deep breath. A painfully deep breath. Breathing him in.

I miss him.

I fall asleep with that thought in mind and my tears stinging my eyes and soaking the sheets.

I lost him.

And it's my fault.

Scott's POV

I felt a pair of strong arms around me and I turned around to meet Alex's sleeping face. His eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. He is attractive I'll tell you that. 


I heard a buzz by the bedside table, followed by another then another.

I picked up my phone and looked at the screen, Kirstie. Wait. Mitch.

I quickly slip out out of Alex's bed without waking him up and walking to his living room to answer the call.

"How's Mitch?" Kirstie's voice rang through the phone.


"What do you mean 'how's Mitch?' He's with you." I raised my voice a notch.

"No... He wanted you at 2am in the morning so I sent him back home."

He went home.


"You're at Alex's aren't you?"


"What the fuck are you doing standing there. Go find him. He's probably breaking down. He needs you Scott."

I don't bother say anything else, I just hang up and grab my wallet. I sent a text to Alex saying that I was going home. And I hailed a cab to go immediately home. 

I was in my pajamas. Which was my boxers and a shirt.

It's LA, it doesn't matter. I left Mitchie at home. He's alone at home.

I force in my keys and pushed the door open. The lights were on and everything seemed like it was left the way I left it.

I run into Mitch's room to see it empty.

Where is he?

I run into the kitchen.

Where the fuck is he?

I consider shouting his name but then...

My room.

I walk to my room and noticed the door closed. I smile a little knowing he's inside.

I creak the door open slightly to see a body curled up in my bed. I walk into the room my heart breaking at the sight. I looked closely at Mitch's face to see tear stains on his face.

"I lost you."

I jump back slightly when I heard him say the three words. His eyes open slowly and I was met with red, swollen eyes. I furrow  my eyebrows as I reach my hand to touch his beautiful face. Instead, he flinches away.


"Why weren't you home? Where were you?" he asked sitting up to lean on the head board.

"I stayed at Alex's and-" I started but immediately stopped when he flinched noticeably.

"Why are you here now?" He asks his tone not changing.

"Because I was worried." I say defensively.

"You shouldn't be. You don't need me, you definitely don't want me. People are made out of greed and if I don't provide you with something that benefits you, then we go down the garbage shoot. I'm useless. " He mumbles the last part and it broke my heart.

"Taylor. He-"

He flinched again. I reach my hand out to comfort him out of instinct.

"Don't! Don't. Touch. Me." He said 

What happened? What did I do? What did Taylor do? Maybe Mitch wants Taylor? I really should have met this guy to make sure he good for Mitch. But...

"Mitch. Baby. Please. Listen to me." I try to reason with him.

He doesn't say anything so I take it as permission to continue.

"I didn't mean any of it. I didn't mean for it to go that far and it was my fault. You have so many people who think you are perfect. Me, Kirstie, Avi, Kevin, Esther, Kate, Genevie, all the Pentaholics, everyone. Taylor! Maybe he regrets saying the horrible things he said to you?" I say trying to make everything better.

I don't like Taylor. After what he said to Mitchie, I getting a bad vibe from him. But he seemed to make Mitch happy before that night.

"Mitch please. Look at me." I say trying to see his brown eyes again.

He lifted his chin up, so our eyes finally met.

"Wow. I really lost you."


Hey guys,

I made a tumblr guys, woah.

(Shameless self-promo: @penta-fruits because someone stole mine XD)

I'm going to use it as a place where I can talk to you guys :)

Go followww~~

Leave your usernames as well, I want to follow some of you guys :)

Hope you liked the chapter :)

~Lynn <3

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