Chapter 21 | Winkie

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Mitch's POV

I woke up to a soft snoring, and a warm body wrapped with mine. I untangle myself from the body before turning around to face the beautiful human being.

"I need to get over you." I say softly, "I really do."

I stand up from the bed, and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. I glance at my phone to see that I got a text from Kirstie before everything went blurry and I shook my head before holding onto the basin to balance myself.

What's wrong with me?

"MITCHIEEEEEEEEE!" Scott whines from the bed.

Okay, I'll be fine. Fake it til you make it.

"Yeah, bab- Scott?" I quickly corrected myself, mentally facepalming, while walking out the bathroom door. You can't call your taken best friend, 'Babe'.

"What time do we need to be at the venue?" Scott asked his eyes still closed.

"Uhm. At 3pm. It's 9pm." I started to feel myself swaying.

"Wow, we have lots of time. We just need to sound check, then we should be set for the show." He said sitting up, leaning on the headboard.

"Ye-" I felt something rise up my throat. In a second, I felt myself run to the toilet bowl, leaned over and released whatever I ate last night.

I heard fast paced footsteps towards me.

"Mitch, are you okay?"

I rip a tissue from the roll, before wiping my mouth.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe it's from whatever we ate yesterday?"

"I don't think so, I ate the same thing." He paused to feel my forehead, "Baby, you're burning up..."

"Hm... I'm fine. I'll just rest a bit more. You go out, have some fun, this is one of those rare days, we have time to explore, shop, bond." I say pushing him towards the door slightly. I tried to hide the smile I get whenever he gave me pet names.

"No, I want to stay here with my Cutie Patootie." He says pouting, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

I scrunch my nose up, hearing that nickname. Okay, maybe not every pet name.

"One, don't ever call me that again." He chuckles softly before I continue, "Two, I'm not going to let a little flu from me stop you from having fun. Three, Mommy want some me-time."

"Okay, fine, Winkie." He says poking his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes before asking, "What the hell is a 'Winkie'?"

He opened his mouth, then closed it, making a confused expression before saying, "I... don't know..."

I laughed softly before pushing him towards the bathroom.

"Get ready, go out, have fun." I patting his cheek once before turning and walking away.

Scott's POV

"Get ready, go out, have fun."

I pulled my phone out to see 4 text messages.

1 from Kirstie, 3 from Alex.

KitKat ❤: Scottland. Wanna hang out before sound check? I texted Mitchie. He hasn't replied.

I read it, as I was about to reply, she texted me again.

KitKat ❤: Nevermind, he just told me he's sick.

KitKat ❤: You know this is important information that I need to know. Are you coming still? Or are you going to be Prince Charming and stay with Mitch, cause Im fine with that.

Me: I'm coming. Geez lady, you type fast.

KitKat ❤: You know it ;) Meet you at the lobby in 20.

I shook my head gently before moving onto Alex's texts.

Lexi: Babeeeeeee... are you awake?

Lexi: Probably not...

Lexi: when you wake up, lets hang out, you and me?

I sighed before running my hand through my hair.

Me: Sorry Alex, I'm hanging with Kirs today.

He replied instantly.

Lexi: No Mitch? Can I join?

Me: Nope and i guess, see you at the lobby in 15.

I quickly texted Kirstie, telling her that Alex was joining before starting to get ready.

Once, I was done, I walked out and instantly wad hit by the wonderful smell of coffee.

"Mitchie? Do I get coffee?" I asked, looking at him cuddled up in bed.

"Yeah, on the table."

"I'm going out, okay? Drink more water." I say kissing his warm forehead.

"Yes mum." He groaned, a smile etched on his lips. So tempted to peck them.

I pulled him in for a hug instead.

"You're my best friend." He mumbled into my chest.

I rested my chin on his head.

"You're my best friend."


Happy New Years!!!!

I've been listening to New Year's Day over and over again so... :)

This is a longer chapter for y'all.

Most of this is filler, but i promise some drama.

What is your new years resolution?
Or do you not have one?
Comment them :)


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