Chapter 2

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I woke up at noon at the sound of my phone ringing.

Oh shit! I'm late for work!

I jumped out of bed and quickly changed into random clothes and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Monica its been so long!" I cheerful voice spoke.

"Jenny? Wow its been a long time ago since I last heard you." I smiled.

"I know right! I found your number and decided to give you a call. Plus invite you to my freaking awesome party!" She squealed.

"P-party?" My voice slightly shook.

"Yes! I arranged it close to the club in the other side of town. Omg you should come pretty please!"

I hated the thought of me going to a party. I was more of a party pooper.

"S-sure. When?" I asked.

"It's your lucky day. Tonight at nine. Don't fail me friend! Bye Monica I have to get the preparations ready. See you then!" She hung the phone.

Shoot! Now I have to go.

I finally decided to skip work today. It was just oneday after all besides I was late already. I lay in bed again and dreamt of my Lewis.


I opened my eyes and quickly got ready for the party. Its been a while since I saw Jenny. We lived not far but she was always busy planning parties.

That Jenny.

I laughed slightly and took a quick shower.

Might as well look like I'll have fun....


I smirked as she went to the bathroom.

Tonight was it.

I was going to kidnap her tonight.

"I'll be waiting in the van." Drake informed me.

I nodded and stared into her window. Her window was closed and half of a curtain covered.

She got out of the bathroom wrapped around in a white fluffy towel and sat in the edge of her bed. She started to put cream on her long legs.

Wow she was pretty I have to admit.

I couldn't help but drool slightly as her hands traveled up and down her legs. She finally got up and went back into the bathroom.

I felt like a creepy stalker but I had no choice of being one.

It was her or my head.


I unlocked my door and stood out. I was wearing a simple blue sundress and wore my hair lose.

Even so I was going to go a party, my sundress was all I had.

Note to self: buy more outfits for myself.

I locked the door behind me and started to walk down the street. I couldn't help but have a weird feeling that someone was watching me.

I felt soft footsteps walking behind me. My heart started to beat fast and I quickly glanced back.

Phew! Nobody there.

I relaxed a bit and started to walk fast.

The faster I get across town the better!

I heard the same noise behind me speed up.

Ok that's it! I'm going to make a run for it!

I frantically started to run. I felt my heels bend slightly as I ran but I didn't care.

The noise behind me started to run. I glanced back as I ran and I saw a dark figure chase after me.

Holy shit!

I threw my heels aside and ran for my life.

What does it want?!

I felt myself panic as the dark figure was running behind me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed. My breathing was getting hard and I felt my heart pounding hard in my chest.

I felt one of my foot step on a crack and I winced in pain as I felt a slight pain run in my bare foot.

"Monica there is no point in outrunning me." The dark figure spoke.

It knows my name?!

I let out a small shriek and tried running again only to trip and fall in the concrete path.

"Sorry Monica but order is order."

I looked up to see the dark figure loom over me.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" I yelled.

"Nothing personal trust me." Next thing I knew it, the dark figure pulled me up by my arm and started to blind fold me.

"No p-please!" I begged.

"Lewis! Help! Anybody ple-" I tried screaming but the dark figure tied my mouth up.

I felt him tie my hands behind my back and my legs.

"Nobody can help you Monica." The dark figure snickered. "Too bad your blind to tell where trouble is."

What? What does he mean by that?

I felt him carry me in his arms. I tried struggling but he held a strong grip on me. I felt him toss me behind a car seat.

"Mpppfff!" I tried screaming with my lungs.

"Shut up if you want to make it alive!" He rose his voice. Obviously losing his cool.

He slammed the door and got to the driver side.

"You'll get to your Lewis." He growled.

Lewis? Lewis?! What did he do to him?!

I felt like crying.

I felt the car zoom off.

"Poor Monica..." He chuckled. "If only you knew."

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