Chapter 15

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I stood waiting by the door with my new dress that Lewis got for me. It was a short black dress with opening cuts in the waist and on the back. My eyes slowly stared at the closed door that had me sealed in here. A tear slipped from my eye as I dug my nails on my arms.


He lied to me.

The door to my room opened and Lewis appeared.

David lied to me alright...

Lewis's eyes darkened as he took one long step to me and grasped me on my arm. He pulled me closer to him making me touch his chest.

"Get rid of that funeral face and get ready for the run of your life." He gritted his teeth and pushed me outside the door. "I'm right behind you." He warned me.

I took one long last breath and sped walked down the unknown hallways. Through the very few windows that I could catch, flashes of red and blue appeared.

"Keep walking forward and from there I take control." Lewis walked behind me.

At the end of the hallway there was a broken down door. I slowly squeezed in, only to come out to a back alley.

"Now princess don't cry. " Lewis cupped my face and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "You got me."

"You are the problem." I muttered under my breath.

In the distance sirens screamed and hollers from men came from the other side. Without waiting for more, Lewis grasped me by the arm and pulled me away as we made the run of our life.


"Open in to every room!" A voice boomed.

From the end of the hallway I watched as uniform men came pouring in, slamming doors open and kicking things around.

I grabbed my numb arm with the other and banged open one of the vents. Soon the police will find Drake's dead body and possibly follow my trail in chase for Monica.

"Over here!" A man yelled.

I quickly hurried up and disappeared in the vents just in time before they started to search in my hallway.

Lewis was going to pay if its the last thing I do.

I stealthily traveled above as below me the police searched the place. Placing my ski mask over my face and pulling my gun out, I awaited for the worse as I pushed down on my escape route and fell to the ground.

"There's one of them there!" A man caught me.

"Freeze before I shoot!" I rose my voice over the commotion of officers running towards me with their guns.

"Drop the gun down!" One of them warned me.

"It's the last thing I won't do." I pressed tighter onto my gun. "Not until Lewis is by me."


"What are you going to do to me!" I cried.

"Shut it!" Lewis snapped. "You're driving me crazy!"

"Then let me go!" I started to punch his shoulder with my free hand.

"Not until I marry you!" His voice boomed.

"Why?!" I screamed. "Why must you marry me?!"

Rain started to pour down on us as he dragged me in the streets like a ragged doll. We stopped in a corner as a black sleek car screeched in front of us.

"Business." He smirked and shoved me in the back seats of the car. "Now drive!" He ordered the chauffeur as he scrambled inside to sit with me. He laid a hand on the skin of my leg and leaned in close to me.

"Don't worry..." He whispered into my ear. "Soon it will ALL make sense."

"Sense?!" I hiss.

"You'll see." His eyes darkened casting an unknown expression on his face and an eerie silence fall on us. "I hate you Monica. I really hate you."


His words left like a nail stuck to my head. Nothing made sense, not even Lewis.

The car sped through the wet streets until we arrived to a rich looking neighborhood only to park by a dark looking courthouse.

Indeed nothing made sense.
Nothing at all.

"Well sweetheart... welcome." Lewis stretched out a hand to me.

"To where?" I closed my eyes not really wanting to know.

"To the last stage." Lewis grinned.

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