Chapter 14

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"Why me..."

My eyes trailed to the nearest clock on the wall. Any minute now Lewis would come barging in to force me. I brought my knees up to my chest and just started to cry and whisper for help.

The mess I got into.

From all people I never expected Lewis to betray me like this. I loved him and this is what I get. David's note still lay in my hands. I crumbled it and toss it as far as I could across the room.

Not even he could save. It was his fault in the first place I was kidnapped. A flash back when I saw his face for the first tine crept in my head.

"Oh David why did you had to be one of them?"



I saw as Drake got on his knees and slowly fell to his side.

"Told ya David." Lewis winked at me and placed his gun back in his back pocket. "I have no limits."

I tried getting up but pain throbbed in my shoulder where Lewis stabbed me with the needle.

"Don't worry you won't die. Believe it or not, I still need your skills for more work. It will ware off in a few hours...long enough for me to get to Monica." He smirked and walked off from my room.

"Drake man wake up!" I rolled over to my side to face him.

He lay there with his eyes open and not a single sound escaping from his still lips.

"Drake I'm sorry I got you into this mess..." I closed my eyes hoping he will react.

To my dismay he was dead.

"You work for me now." I remembered the words I used when I had Drake by his shirt collar in an alley.

"Was it because...."

"No!" I placed my large hand over his mouth. "I chose you now you have to get used to it."

That day I was working.

Working as the cupcake boy.

Being poor, I had no choice but to stand in the curb and offer free samples to customers. One day Lewis walked by and offer me a job with more money than I could think of. Never would I thought It ended up me killing lives and bringing people into the dirty business. That day I managed to get Drake involved.

Kidnapping woman after woman, and killing men that owed us money, was my whole job. Just to get more money than working as a mascot and being the laughing stock. Lewis changed my name Damien to David and for years I never failed. That is until I met Monica.

"I know you..." Drake once told me in my room who I was. "You're just Damien the cupcake boy."

Even so I didn't like him, I still never wanted him to die. If anything, it was my fault he ended up doing the same thing as I.

"Sorry." I managed to whisper to Drake's motionless body.

I grabbed onto my numb shoulder and with all my strength I dragged myself to the door. There was no way Lewis was going to land a hand on Monica.

Not on my watch.


I grabbed my handbag with Emma right behind me and walked to the corner of my street.

"You're making the right choice." Emma patted my shoulder.

"I hope." I pressed my handbag closer to my chest. "Though I don't want it to happen like last time when they took all the money yet never returned Monica to us." I worried.

"They will this time I just know it." Emma assured me.

"Thanks for being positive and optimistic." I smiled at my friend.

"What are friends for?"

Earlier Emma texted back to Monica's kidnapper that I had all the money and to met us at the same place like last time. Minutes went by when my car drove to the corner. The window slid down and out popped my mechanic's head.

"Well its all nice and new." He got out from my car.

"Thanks Buzz. I promise I'll pay you later."

"A gal like you, no worries. Courtesy of the house." He smiled.

I gave him a quick hug and without waiting for more I got in the car with Emma.

"Now lets bring Monica safe and sound." I beamed.

"Oh yeah sure." Emma sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing just tired. Been days I haven't slept since I worried for Monica." She stretched her arms.

"After this, we all need a goodnight sleep." I chuckled and patted her shoulder.

Today might just be the day.

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