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Lewis fell flat dead on the floor as I crawled away from him in shock and disgust. The man who I supposedly loved was finally dead. My eyes slowly tried to David he dropped the gun to the ground and clasped his mouth over his mouth.

"NO!" Emma screamed, letting go of Jenny and running to Lewis's side. She got on his knees and started to caress his face desperately as he never opened his eyes. "You bitch!" She turned back to me and in a blink, she slapped me across the face.

I fell back on my bottom and cried as I rubbed my cheek from the pain. "I didn't kill him!" I wailed.

"You are the death of him!" She loomed over me and kicked me right in the stomach making me fall onto my side. "He fucking love you Monica!" She screeched.

"EMMA LEAVE HER ALONE!" David's voice boomed. Once again he held the gun straight out to her. "I'm the killer here! I killed your freaking brother!" He confessed.

My heart dropped as David's words left from his lips. Never would I have ever thoght this gorgeous man was all but a monster.

"What did you say?" I slowly lifted my top self, for my legs were not responding. My voice only came out as a mere whisper as my eyes made contact with his. My ears couldn't believe what they heard. Never would have I thought Emma and Lewis were related whatsoever.

"Stupid Damien." She gritted her teeth a different name to David.

"You're right." He took a step back. "I'm Damien." And just like in slow motion my whole world turned bloody as David pulled the trigger and out went the bullet hitting right in Emma's forehead.

Another death because of me.

Something darkened in his eyes and without thinking twice, he loaded another bullet and shot Jenny behind me.

Another unexpected event.

"There." He mumbled. "Now its clear I'm just meant to be a killer."

"Nooooo!" I screamed and crawled over to Jenny's body.

"And you know who is next?!" He interrupted my crying.

"Just kill me already!" I screamed just wanting to give up on life.

David pointed the gun straight at me.

Thinking that I was next, he quickly turned the gun over to him, pointing the gun straight to the side of his head.

"No David wait." I extended a hand out towards him. "Don't do it."

His eyes glared into me as tears slipped from his eyes.

"Please I know there's good in you."

"I did it for you Monica."

"I know you did." I managed to smile, wiping my tears from my face. "You can change Damien."

His eyes held fear as I called him by his real name. Whatever happened, I was willing to leave it in the past just to save someone from a death.

"You're good." I whispered.

"Monica I'm sorry." He tossed the gun away and ran to my side and held my face in his hands. "Monica I want to change."

"Then change." I wiped his tears with my fingers. "Give up this life."

Everything around us was complete silent as the stormed outside came to its end. I stared into his golden green eyes and managed to give him a weak but sincere smile. Probably the moment or maybe it was the fear, he slowly leaned into me and kissed my lips catching me by surprise.

Sad part,

I kissed him back.

I gave my kiss to my kidnapper.

A/N: Well took me long to finish this story but it's finally coming to its end. Also a special shout out to  anna_rose01 and Tara676 like always. Next is the final chapter you guys.

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