Chapter 10

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"Lewis..." I closed my eyes and fainted back.

"Monica!" He grasped me by the waist. "Didn't mean to scare you. Shocking wasn't it princess?" I heard Lewis's voice far away.

I tried getting up but the nightmare I was having was too strong for me. I wanted to die and just think of it as a bad dream, but when I opened my eyes again, Lewis's smirk was unforgettable.  He snatched my wrist together in his and got his face close to mine.

"Now do you want to marry me?" His eyes turned dark.

Behind me David and Drake stood back with serious eyes. They knew about it. I can see it in David's eyes. They weren't surprise but guilty. I got my balance and remained with my mouth opened. Horror struck in my weak heart. To run was my first option but seeing the circumstances I remained frozen in place.


"You son of a bitch!" I spat feeling the anger pulse through me. "How could you?!"

"I had no choice." He shrugged like nothing out of the normal happened. "I just had to. You know the saying ''the truth does not sin but it's uncomfortable. And guess what?" He lowered in till his lips barely traced onto mine. "I rather have money than you. Its not like you can buy me a Ferrari or a mansion. You are poor and useless. Though...." His hands felt my shoulders. "You were beautiful."

"Was?" My voice cracked. My ears were stunned after hearing this.

"Beauty doesn't last forever. Soon you'll be old and wrinkly not to mention ugly." He smirked.

I felt hurt. He was hurting me with his words.

"Told you my truths would be uncomfortable." He yanked me by the hair and pulled me down to sit in the cold concrete ground. He kneeled down to my height and traced my cheek with the back of his hand. "Now I have an offer you won't be able to say no." He pulled out a small box from his suit's pocket. He opened the box and a diamond ring popped out.

"Monica Howard marry me."

I felt tears pour out of my eyes. No it wasn't because I was excited or happy, tears of hate filled my eyes. The man who I loved was being a fucking asshole. My eyes caught a glimpse of David standing there stiff not daring to look me in the eyes. I wanted to scream millions of curses to him but I remained silent, yet I wanted him to do something to save me, but of course he was just like Lewis.

"If I were you I would accept the ring." Drake snickered behind.

"I know you want me." Lewis leered at me. "You love me and always will."

I took my gaze away from David and faced Lewis. I gave a small smirk and held back my tears. I realized I wasn't mad at Lewis at all. My eyes glanced back at David who locked his eyes with mine. As much as I wanted to see his gorgeous face I held back my desire and faced Lewis with a bigger smirk. This was all of David's fault for kidnapping me in the first place

"You win." I whispered dryly. "I shall marry you."

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