Chapter 4

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"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed as loud as I could. More than twenty-four hours has passed and I'm still locked up as an animal. I was desperate to be free. I can't take it anymore.

"SHUT UP!" My kidnapper yelled from across the room.

"NOT TIL I GET OUT OF HERE!" Anger pulsed through me.


I flinched back in my cage and got quiet.

"That's better." He snickered.

I leaned my head back against the cage and closed my eyes shut, hoping this was all just a bad dream.

A very bad one.

"You know,'' he got closer to my cage. "I wonder how much fun it will be if we got to know each other." He rose an eyebrow and from behind his ski mask I knew he was smirking.

"Fun will be if you let me have my freedom and I shove you in the cage. How do you like that?" I rolled my eyes.

He got closer to my cage and grasped the bars with his hands.

"I don't like your attitude." He let out a small growl.

"You think I like yours?" I replied back sarcastically.

I need to get out of here but I must lure him in.

If you can't beat them...Then let them join you.


"Come join me. I would gladly appreciate it." I pouted.

"What is this?" He flashed a smile showing all of his perfect teeth.

A trick you fool....

 "At least warm me up." I wrapped my arms around myself. I was actually feeling chilly but there was no way I was going to let him put a hand on me.

At first he hesitated but finally he took a step towards my cage and opened.

"Finally the sweetheart is opening up." He entered inside the cage and couldn't stop smirking.

What am I a freaking trophy?

 I backed away from him till my back hit against the metal bars of my cage.

"Why you backing up? Didn't you say you were cold?" His voice became husky as he slowly approached me.

"Well come and get closer." I kept my voice firm but when reality I was freaking out. He was getting closer and closer each second.

His steps were larger till finally he stood in front of me.

"I am here." He breathed and got closer to my ear. He was so close I could feel his lips brush past my ear.

"I Know..." I whispered and leaned my head back.

Fear ran through me but I had no choice. I didn't want him near me but at the same time I liked the feeling of having someone close to me. A feeling that I never felt before with Lewis.

"Anything you want in particular sweet heart?" He caged me in with his arms.

"As a matter of fact yes." I got closer to him and placed my hands on his chest.

"And what is that?" He leaned closer.

"How about this?!" Before he knew it I yanked his ski mask off.

Never would I have known the man who stood before me was no other than my kidnapper. 

He was absolutely breathtaking.  

A/N: Hi there my peeps! XD Hope you've enjoyed this chapter. I did my best here its just hard since I tragically lost the love of my life (My phone) lol. Vote and comment and I promise this will get better :) (Oh so I hope)... :P


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