Chapter 8

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"Don't let her open her eyes." Drake ordered me as he steered the car.

"You're not the boss of me." I mumbled.

"No but he will be if you keep disappointing me." My boss turned his head from the passenger seat.

I stared down at my hands ignoring his gaze. Drake drove the car like a drunk man through the streets curving and tossing in every corner.

"Hurry Drake before her little friends decide to play something dirty with us!" My boss yelled.

"I'm not deaf you know!" Drake growled.

I wrapped an arm around Monica's sleeping body.

I was afraid for her.

There were so much that she didn't know, yet I'm part of her danger. Drake drove on till he abruptly stopped the car. I quickly swooped Monica in my arms and jumped out of the car.

"Remember the plan?" My boss whispered behind me.

"Yes sir." I stared inactively in front of me.

In the distance a small red car got closer. It was clear that her friends were coming for her.

"Places!" My boss ran off as Drake disappeared.

Great...Now I'm on my own.


"I'm afraid." Emma out of nowhere spoke.

"Everything will be okay. I think." I bit my lip as I slowly stopped my car in front of a black Mercedes.

"You think? What a relief." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry but I'm just as worried as you!" My hand nervously twitched.

"OH MY GODLINGS! THERE SHE IS!" Emma's eyes went round as in front of us stood a man holding Monica in his arms. Worst of all she was unconscious.

"MONICA!" Emma jumped out of the car screaming.

"EMMA COMEBACK!" I pulled her back in the car.

"Calm down." My jaw started to quiver. "He might have a gun."

"Then what are we sitting in the car for?! Hand him his damn money!" Emma hissed.

"I will but I need you to stay." I ordered.

I got out of the car with the money in my purse. A chilly breeze gave me a sinister feeling.

"Jenny Carson?" A man dressed in black with a ski mask took a step closer to me with Monica in his arms.

"Y-Yes?" I nervously took a step closer to him.

"Got the money?" From behind his mask the only thing I could see were his eyes glaring at me.

I nodded and started to mentally pray to myself. I extended out my purse bag out to him as his hand went to reach for the bag. He gave a slight smirk revealing huge white teeth. I realized this was a trick! I tried to flinch back but it too late. He snatched the bag from my hands and made a run to the car.

"NO!" I shrieked.

"JENNY!" I heard Emma scream in the car.

I turned back to only see a different man strangling Emma's neck.

"EMMA!" I was about to run to her when I felt someone pull me back and place a knife under my chin.

"Shhh..." I heard a whisper behind my ear. "Calm down your little friend there unless you want to feel this." I could feel the tip of the blade being pressed slightly on me.

"Emma please calm down." I pleaded as fear started to lock on me.

"JENNY! DO SOMETHING!" She started to cry.

"Emma..." I clenched my teeth together. "Please obey."

"That's right sweetheart..." I got turned around to only be face to face with a man in a ski mask.

"You tell her..." He tipped my head back and slowly traced his knife on my neck. "We'll let you go unless you do us a tiny favor." He smirked.

Tiny? That's what they once told me.

"What is it?" I gulped.

"Never mention anybody about us you hear? If I ever end up hearing a word slip from you...I will hunt you down personally. YOU HEAR?!" He grasped my neck with both of his hands.

"YES!" I chocked.

"Good now go home and rest. Note that Monica is gone. Forever. But don't assume this will be the last time you hear of us." He released my neck and ruffled my hair. "Advice from a friend..." He turned his back to me and snapped his finger for the other one strangling Emma to follow him.

"Don't trust anyone." He winked at me and dashed to the car with the other one, leaving Emma and I in the dust.

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