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David's POV~

Six years later~

I've hurt so many people though that doesn't makes me a bad guy right? I've been to soft since I met Monica.

Well kidnapped her that is.

Ambition led me to kill innocent lives. I was angry, rotten, and lonely. Only Lewis found the true self of my being and that was killing. Killing people who owed or simply just for fun. I don't serve anything good. Anything that I touch is like a curse with just the tip of my finger. All I wanted was a better life.

A life where I wasn't the laughing stock.

I wanted to be a somebody,

I ended up as a killer.

I wanted love,

I have hate.

I looked around me as the lights blurred my visions and sounds contaminated my ears. This was the last place I wanted to be. All I wanted was to be loved. I slid down against the walls and covered my ears as I started to shake.

"I miss her." I whispered.

I never wanted to do anything with her when I kidnapped her but ever since six years back I stole her a kiss, I desired her to be with me in this crucial moment of my life.

Everything went by so quick that night. The last thing I saw were the cops dragging me away from my Monica.


She cried out my real name as I struggle the authorities.

"Monica I want to change! I want to be good! Monica!" I cried as I resisted.

Though me being the bad guy had its consequences. Just when I managed to get free, one of the officers whacked me on the back of the head with his bat.


I can still hear her precious voice echoing my name.

"Monica." I whispered and opened my eyes to see that I was still in my prison cell.

Six years of my life has been spent in a prison cell and there hasn't been a single day where I haven't dreamt of Monica or regretted my days of killing.

I just had to be the bad guy.

"Well well well... Look what the cat brought in?"

I looked up to see a buff man being pushed into my cell.

"And you are?" I stood up and fisted my hands.

"Relax," The buff man said. "I'm the cat."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I frowned.

"That this must be your lucky day." He sneered.

Two officers walked to our cell and opened the cage I've been locked for six years.

Wait opened?

"That's right David," One of the officer read my shock expression and smirked. "You are free...."


Cold air greeted my face the moment I stepped out.

But how, I thought.

Everything I've done was to be at least prison for life. Yet I'm put here breathing the air and letting the sun's heat burn my body. I was free and I couldn't believe it.


What was the point of me being free? I don't know what do, where to start.


And that voice, it was haunting me.

I wanted to cry knowing my life wasn't to be the same no more. This is all good to be true. One questioned was tensing me to the bones. A question that I wonder why was I set free.


I turned around as I realized the voice sounded too real to be in my head. I held my breath as in the distance I saw no other than Monica. Now my head was playing games with my mind. A little drizzle of rain showered down on me as I huddle my arms over my body, letting the rain soak my hair.

It felt wonderful to see the beautiful image of Monica, being the first thing in six years.

The image of Monica ran towards me and I flinched when her hand actually touched my cheek.

"Damien." She gave me a soft smile.

I gaped and couldn't resist but to touch her cheek. She closed her eyes and with her other hand grabbed my hand.

"Monica it is really you." I smiled.

"Yes. I've waited for you."

"Waited for me? But why?"

Last time I recalled I was her kidnapper and a murderer.

"Because I couldn't help but to fall for you." A single tear rolled down her eye.

"But I don't deserve you." My voice came out husky. "After six years, you still remembered me?"

"I couldn't think of anything else that wasn't you. Besides," She looked down at our intertwined fingers. "I worked hard these past six years to save up money."

"Save up money for what?"

"For you."

I finally realized I couldn't live in this world without seeing Monica's beautiful smile.

I loved her.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I thanked her not just because she freed me but how she found the good in me. How she made me find the true meaning of love through just one kiss.

I was finally free.

"I'm here for you."

It was one thing that after everything that she has been through, she ended up falling in love with me.

A man who deserved nothing but the complete opposite and worse.

That was me.

Now I had Monica without no need to kidnap her or steal a kiss from her because I had her now.

The rain started to pour down hard on us. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her away.

The end.

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