Chapter 3

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My eyes fluttered open to see that the blind fold was off. I was in a small cage with my hands tied behind my back. A shadow loomed over me.

"Sorry Monica but business is business." It was my kidnapper who spoke.

"What do you want from me?!" I realized I had dry tears covering my face.

His eyes frowned over his mask. His black mask covered his face just revealing two light hazel eyes.

He gave his back to me and started to walk off.

"Wait! Please I need answers!" I cried.

I needed to know why I was the one kidnapped. Why me? How did he know me??

I tried moving in the cage but it was too small to even move. I felt like a dog stuck in its cage.

What kind of people treat their prisoners like animals???

"David!" A man rushed into the room. He was shorter and was blonde.

"Drake...What did I say of saying my name?!" The kidnapper gritted his teeth.

"Sorry but it's an emergency."

"Fine.." He followed out the other man leaving me alone in a small room. Locked in a cage.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I screamed.



"This is Monica please leave a message or your number after the beep....."


"Monica? It's Jenny. Where are you? I've been calling you for hours and you never came to my party. Friend what's wrong please answer me I'm worried for you."

I hung up the phone and sighed.

"What's wrong Jenny?" A hand layed over my shoulder.

"Nothing Emma. Its just I'm worried for Monica."
I dropped my phone on the bed.

"Its just she never came to my party. Suppose something happened to her? You know how the city is dangerous?"

"Don't worry Jenny she could be at work or something." Emma assured me.

"Well why don't we go to her place and check if everything is okay." I was really worried for her. She lived across town and she was usually busy to be able to be seen but either way she always answer her calls.

"Come on you'll see she'll be fine."

A/N: Or will she? Don't forget to vote and comment:) Updates for this one is slow but its going :p

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