Chapter 13

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I was putting some eye drops in my eye after all the crying I have done. Been days since Monica have been gone and its all my fault.

If only I never invited her to my party...

"Its not your fault." Emma read my thoughts.

All this time Emma had accompany me through the crisis. Not leaving my side for a second like a best friend would. She placed a cup of warm tea in front of me and sat from across me. Not only I was crying for Monica but ever since her kidnapper took all the money I had, I was left penniless.

"Then who is it?" I sobbed. "She would be okay if she never left her house in the first place." I started to cry like a crazy woman.

"There there Jenny nobody knew this would happen. Besides maybe its not entirely all your fault."

Entirely? I am half to blame!

"Remember those texts you received and the photo of that hot man?" Emma asked.

"Yeah? What about it?" I wiped myself with a tissue.

"Could it be that Monica had a double life?"

"Double life?! Now what in the world are you talking about?" I went puzzled, forgetting that I was crying.

"Don't you see???" Emma got up from her seat and started to circle around where I was seated. "The picture had her and a man hugging her from behind. Must be a secret boyfriend she had. Maybe he is to blame."

"Oh Emma..." I laughed. "You and your wild imagination. Monica is my friend, she would have told me a long time ago."

"Then explain the picture." She crossed her arms. "Who is that man?"

"I don't know!" My voice went high.

Emma had a point.

All was too fishy.

"Think about it." Emma poked me with her index finger on the side of my head. "All leads to him."

"What do you know?" I asked slowly.

"Nothing. I'm just as stuck as you." She rose her eyebrows.

She gave me her back and just stood there. Poor Emma... She is worried sick for Monica as me. She is trying so hard to find the blame.

I started to sip in my tea when my phone buzzed.

'Monica will die if I don't receive more.'

My heart thumped in my chest as the unknown number appeared on my screen. No doubt it was from Monica's kidnapper.

'More of what?' I texted back.

It never answered back. Even so it didn't tell me, for sure it had to do with more money.

Money which I no longer had.

"Jenny you must find more money!" Emma almost shoved her phone on my face.

On her phone she had a text with a address and a reply that clearly answered my thoughts.

Money was the big deal here.

"How did it get number?" I asked worried.

"No clue." Emma shrugged. "Point is you need a whole lotta cash soon if you want to see Monica alive."

"Wait a minute how did you know about Monica life sentence?" I asked suspiciously. Her text never mentioned Monica.

"Dunno." Emma shoved her phone in her pocket and handed me my handbag. "You might want to do all you can before it's too late. We need to help Monica."

Emma was right. Time was running and who knows how Monica is.

Is she still alive that is.

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