Chapter 6

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"Water...water...." My throat was parched.

"Hmm? Did I hear the princess is thirsty?" David clutched on my bars.

"Water..." I rasped.

Of course I wanted water! After all the screaming I've done and the days I went without water and food, I was practically dying alive.

"Right away princess." He smirked and sauntered off.

I don't know how much longer I could survive. The condition I was living in was inhumanly. I wished this didn't happen to me. IT WAS SO UNFAIR!

"Here you go princess." He handed me a glass with red liquid.

"What is this?" I scowled.

"Blood." He laughed. "It's wine. Don't tell me the princess never had wine before?" He sniggered.

"But I want water!" My voice was high pitched.

"And I say wine." His expression turned dark and serious.


"Damn you! Drink already!" He spat.

I flinched back and grasped the glass from his hands. I chugged down the wine and started to gag. The dark liquid felt more like blood than wine if you ask me.

"Rest princess if you want to live." He spoke softly.

I felt my eyes start to close and grow heavy. My body started to feel numb and my head began to spin. I leaned back on the bars and held tightly on the bars that kept me locked in. In front of me I could see David slowly putting on his mask back on his face and his golden green eyes glowered on me.

"Lewis..." I shut my eyes and whispered the name of the man I loved. Oh how I missed him.

"Lewis will be okay...for now." David walked off.

The lights turned off leaving me no other than to sleep.


"Where is your little assistant?"

"Why you need him?" I crossed my arms.

"You bastard how dare you speak to me like that. I'm your leader and you obey not ask! You hear!"

"Yes sir." I stared down on the floor and bowed my head.

"Then let me ask again...Where in the hell is your assistant?" He clenched his teeth and spoke softly.

"He's in his room."

"Very well... Now tell me how much he knows." He took a step towards me.

"He knows I'm ordered by you. That's all."

"Good. Never tell him the truth and never show your face to anyone. We can't risk anything understood." He snatched my mask away. "Never did you hear?!"

"Yes sir." I gulped.

He shoved me back my mask and stomped off from my room. I stood there glaring at the door he shut behind him. My eyes burned as I stood there frozen in my ground. Rage consumed my irritated soul.

"You fool... You'll see I will reveal your true self." I gritted my teeth.

There was so much that he little knows about me. He has it wrong if he underestimates me. He'll never see me come. I threw my mask to the far corner and ruffled my hair in frustration. My days were numbered but I don't care, I'm already waiting for that day that all my evil will be left behind.

"Lewis..." I could hear Monica talking in her sleep from across my room. "Lewis..."

I leaned against my wall and took a deep breath.  Her voice was full of desperation and plead.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to myself. "Sorry but what will happen next is not my desire but It's supposedly for our own good. Our good." I banged my head back on the wall and gritted my teeth as I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. There was so much going on that little by little I was losing control. Control to keep myself away from Monica.

"Hey David are you awake?" I heard someone whisper from behind my door.

"Come in Drake."

In came Drake with a blank face. I stood up and waved a hand for him to sit in my bed. His face was unreadable but I can guess why he came.

"You know I've seen you somewhere before." His voice was dark.

"No duh I'm your boss remember?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's not funny David, you know what I'm talking about." He crossed his arms.

"No I don't please do explain." I mocked him.

"You idiot I know who you are. But a question remains to me.... why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" I tensed. This boy knew something that he shouldn't.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you had to get me involved in this?!" He spat.

"That's it!" I stood up and pulled him from his shirt's collar.


His eyes widened but turned darkly.

"You're not David..." He smirked. "You're just poor Damien the Cupcake Boy."


I opened my eyes lazily to the sound of shouting.




"Don't mind the background." A softer voice spoke. In front of me stood a dark silhouette casting a shadow on the bars of my cell. "Sleep my lovely."

"Who-" My voice felt numb that each word I spoke came out as a slur.

"Hush my darling you got to rest, you're going to have a big day tomorrow." A sweet charming voice spoke. "Tomorrow will be your day." 

"Whattts gonna hap-pen to me?" My eyes slowly rolled to the back of my head.

"Nothing my precious little jewel. The only thing you need to do is close your eyes."

"L-Lewis....I need to m-make a call. I need Lewis." I started to hiccup.

"Lewis?" His voice got low. "Why you need him?"

"He Loves me." I yawned as sleep started to consume me once again.

"Yes he does." His voice was just a mere whisper. "He loves you very much."

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