Chapter 7

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"No..." I groaned.

" your eyes..."


I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see a hand waving in front of me. Just the constant wave of the hand caused me to have a migraine of a headache.


"Monica drink this." A glass was placed in front of me.


Again? What is it with the drinking of the wine?


I slowly grasped it and chugged it down.  The red liquid quenched my thirst as I licked my lips in satisfaction.


"Sorry but this is for your own good." David's soft voice whispered.

"From what?" I sighed as I felt sleep consume me once again.

"This is for loving the wrong man." His voice turned dark and serious.


I felt my whole vision start to go fuzzy and a throbbing pain in the head. I tried to stand up but to no prevail I failed.


"Here let me help you." I felt him slide his hands under my leg to carry me.


He carried me bridal style and stared down at me. All around me started to spin making me nausea and sick. The only thing that I could focus were his clear eyes. Those eyes that captivated me each time I stared at them. I still couldn't believe behind such a beautiful man were to be a horrible person.


"Today is it." His voice was just a mere whisper. "Today is your lucky day. The drug will soon wash off." He assured me.


Drug? So that was in the wine...No wonder it felt thick and strong.


His hand slowly traced my cheeks as I couldn't help but snuggle closer to him. His warmth was what I needed. I closed my eyes and let him take me where ever he wanted. I was too weak to fight back.



"What do you think you're doing you bastard!" I heard a voice growl.



That voice....It was awfully familiar.



"I was err...she's weak to walk so I decided to carry her to the car." I heard David stuttered. His hands tightened around me as I felt the other presence get closer.


"Don't you forget who she belongs to. Hurry up and tie her in the back." The other man spoke.

"Yes sir." I could feel David walk off with me in his arms. His warm strong arms were provoking me even so I could feel my body go numb.

"Don't worry." His gentle sweet voice spoke as I winced a bit.


I felt ropes and chains wrap around me. I tried opening my eyes but I felt too drunk to do anything. I could feel his warm breath in my face.


"Don't worry." He kept repeating. "You'll be okay."



I don't know why but I could feel fear vibrating off from his body.


I could feel his touch in my hands and something sweet right on my cheek.



His kiss.

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