Chapter 18

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"Jenny!" I gasped as in front of me, Emma dragged Jenny to fall on her knees next to me.

"All right boys shows over." Emma snapped her finger multiple times.

"Hand over the girls." One of the officers tried reasoning again.

"Here take the money." Emma tossed a handbag to the center of the room.

"My money!" Jenny gasped.

Each of the officers eyed at each others and stared back and forth at the handbag. Some dropped there guns

"What the devil?!" David yelled.

"Look who is lost now?" Lewis sneered.

"Come back!" David started to yell crazily.

Soon it was just us.


And poor me.

"You see David," Lewis casually spoke and gently had the gun still placed on the back of my head,"I believe you have forgotten that I'm always one step ahead of you and everybody."

"What are you talking about?" David removed his mask and stood in the center with his hands fisted.

"What I mean is... I always get what I want. Here before me you are about to witness the show of the century. In other words my marriage."

My heart froze with each word that came from Lewis's mouth.

"I don't know what you did to make the police leave but either way you will pay Lewis Keystone." David tossed his mask to the side and took a step forward.

"Not so fast." Lewis pulled me by the hair tilting my chin up. "Remember she is in the line here."

"Emma please!" Jenny started to cry hysterically. "We are friends for crying out loud!"

For an instance I caught Emma's eyes soften a bit but then turned cold.

"You are so naive. Both of you!" She shouted. "I cant believe you never saw it coming. All this time it was always me and Lewis."

"Lewis please..." My voice cracked. "Explain to me why?"

"I want to go home." Jenny sobbed.

"Enough!" Lewis voice echoed through out the whole room. "I got no time for your pathetic pleas. Emma get rid of her while I take it from here."

"NO!" Jenny got dragged away by Emma. They walked right towards David and my whole world went down when I saw David not move a single muscle.

"David don't just stand there!" I cried.

"Hush you!" Lewis lifted me up and dragged me by the arm after Emma.

For just a few seconds David's eyes locked with mine but then dropped down to the floor.

"I'm sorry Monica but I tried." His voice cracked.

Trying wasn't food enough for me.

I stared one last time at David's golden green eyes as Lewis dragged me away. I really needed David. He was my only chance.

"David I know there's good in you!" I gave a small yelp as Lewis froze and yanked me by the hair as I cried to David.

"Good?" Lewis roared in laughter. "He gots nothing in him." He started to crack up like a maniac.

"David listen to your heart." I begged to him as once again Lewis dragged me across the room.

"A heart is what he doesn't have." Lewis mumbled.

Annoyance surged in me because of Lewis answering me instead of David. I was about to say more when suddenly I felt a loud crack echo the room. Everyone froze and went silent.

I looked up at Lewis and a small smirk placed on his lips as he suddenly loosen the grip on me and got on his knees.


My head swooshed back to David who stood in his same place with a gun in his hand.

"I'm a freaking bloody murderer."

Beside me Lewis collapsed to the ground as blood started to ooze from his back.

David killed Lewis.

"You killed him." Was all I could say.

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