Chapter 5

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"How dare you..." His light hazel eyes pierced through mine.

I felt my heart skip a beat as my eyes trailed up and down. The man in front of me was too much for me. If looks can kill, he would make me die in blindness.

"I-I err-..." I was lost for words.

He grasped my wrist and pulled it behind my back. I couldn't stop staring at him in awe.

"Little rebel aren't you?" The top of his lip formed into a snarl.

"I can explain...'' I tried backing away but he towered over me.

I closed my eyes shut and held my breath. I dropped his mask which I was holding to the ground and tried covering my face. I didn't want to get hit nor punished. I was vulnerable compared to him. I could feel him tense as he loomed over me in all his glory.

"Please..." I begged. "Don't hurt me."

"Do I look like that kind of guy?" His grip became tighter on my wrist.


I didn't know what to think of him no more. I didn't even know who he was in the first place.

"Lucky that I don't feel like killing." He growled and took a step back.

His grip loosened on my wrist and I felt a huge relief wash over me. I cowered in the corner and tried hard to not let the tears fall from my eyes.

"David!" The one named Drake rushed in.

Oh so that with his name...

"What?!" He barked.

"Boss your mask." Drake slowly started to back away.

"Oh yeah? So what?! And what did I say about using my freaking name Drake?!" He clenched his jaw.

"Sorry it's just big boss wants to see you and its urgent." Drake emphasized urgent.

Without saying no more David ran out of the room.

Drake got closer to my cage, which was fully opened and gave me a dirty smug.

"Wouldn't want the princess to escape do we?" He locked my cell.

"Please help me or else...'' I held onto my bars.

"Or else what? You gonna take my mask away like you did to Mr. Handsome over there?"

"No but I can show you if you want?'' I crossed my arms and huffed.

This was ridiculous. I could tell it was his first time seeing his boss and my kidnapper's face and from the looks of it he was jealous.

"I'm not stupid." He rolled his eyes from behind his mask and walked off.

"No wait! Please I shouldn't be here!" I shouted.

"No but the person you least expect does." He chuckled and left me to be all alone.

"YOU BUNCH OF FUCKING BASTARDS!" I banged my head against the bars.

I was desperate to be let out. I just want to go back home and see once again Lewis. I missed him too much.

Oh Lewis where are you? I need you.


"It's been a whole day and she still hasn't appeared!" I yelled at the officer.

"Sorry ma'am but it has to be about 72 hours so we can call her missing.

"But she is nowhere to be found!" I tried reasoning with the officer.

"No can do. Sorry." He shrugged.

"Fine!" I grabbed my purse. "I guess I'll have to find her myself! Good day to you sir!" I stomped off from the police station and stormed back to my pent house. As I got there Emma was by my door waiting.

"What did they say?" She asked.

"Nothing much only we have to wait for 72 hours to pass." I crossed my arms.

"WHAT?! THAT'S OUTRAGIOUS!" Emma yelled.

"Shhh! The neighbors will hear. Heck even the whole building."

"Sorry it's just that shows how bull authorities can be." She threw her handbag on my sofa.

"Emma chill we'll figure out something with or without the authorities.

Just then my phone buzzed. I swiped my phone to receive the incoming call.

"Might be Monica!" Emma quickly got to my side.

"Monica?" I answered the phone.

"No but I got her." Someone answered.

I held my breath.

"W-What have you done to her?" I stammered.

"Nothing yet." There was a whole lot of racket in the background.

"What do you want!?" Emma snatched my phone and yelled.

"Nothing really just a 'few million dollars' by the end of the week. By the way don't even think of bringing the cops or I might let my men do whatever they want with my princess." He huskily spoke.

Before I could say anything else, the call ended.

"Damn it! What did he mean his princess?" Emma growled.

"I have no clue. From the looks of it he must know her really good." I was about to stuff my phone in my pocket when just then my phone vibrated.

I swiped my phone to see an incoming message.

"What does it say?" Emma looked over my shoulder.

"It's from an unknown number." My eyes widened at the text.

It was a photo of Monica and a man. Below was a message.

'Beware the ones that you least expect.'

"Who the hell is that gorgeous man?" Emma breathed behind me and her eyes twinkled in awe.

"Could it be an unknown boyfriend?" I couldn't stop staring at the photo.

"Who ever it is he is hot. OMG! The kidnapper might be this man!" She gasped.

"But... I never seen her with him and trust me I am like her sister. I know everything about her." I scratched my head.

Just then another message arrived, only this time it was from another unknown number.

'If I were you I would be quick about finding the money if you don't want to see her suffer.'

I dropped my phone and ran out from the door of my apartment. Two different unknown numbers....this is not good.

"Jenny wait where are you going!?" Emma called out.

"To save my friend!"

There was only one place I needed to be at that moment and that was the bank.

A/N: Hope you've enjoyed :) Guess who might be behind all of this. Don't forget to vote and comment. By the way the man in the media box is how I imagine David, Monica's kidnapper to be, but anyways you can image however you want :P Updates will be slow but I'll try to speed up my pace.

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