Chapter 9

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"Lewis..." I sighed. "Lewis help..."

"Shh...don't force yourself." I felt a cold finger place on the tip of my lips. "It's not good for your health."

I opened my eyes slowly to see someone's arms wrapped around me. For some odd reason I felt safe and best of all warm. "Help me..." My voice rasped. I tried to sit up but David pulled me back to rest on his chest. He softly felt my hair and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I will." He whispered back.

"When?" I snuggled closer to him trying to find the heat for my freezing cold body.

"Don't worry princess I'll protect you. I need you to trust me."

I slowly closed my eyes again feeling the drowsiness surround me. After all I've been through I didn't know who to trust and less to believe if I'll ever be free. I could feel David breath gently and held me gently in his arms. Those strong arms that made me feel safe even through all the danger.

"Lewis..." I breathed. It's been so long since I last seen Lewis. I wanted him to save me. I wonder if he even knows if I'm gone.

 "The storm will be over soon." David assured me. "It will be soon..."



"Where the hell did that bastard disappeared to?" My boss growled.

"I have no clue." I kept my eyes on the road and hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel.

"Well he better appear." He growled. "I need the girl to know the mess she got into."

"Which girl?" I asked.

"None of your business just step on the gas."

I did what I was told and stepped on the gas. From the back I could see my boss frantically gripping on the purse bag full of money. From the looks of it the only thing that makes him smile is money.

Money....The enemy to one's heart.

"Drake over there!" He pointed to a narrow alleyway.

"Yes sir." I parked the car making the wheels screech and quickly jumped off to open my boss's door.

We walked in the shadows of the dark alley way to see no other than David holding in his arms Monica in the corner by a dump.

"Wake her up." My boss sternly ordered.

"I can't she's asleep." David protested.

"Listen to the boss Damien..." I sneered.

"Who the hell is Damien?" My boss glared at me.

"I don't know ask David. He might know who he is."

"Shut the hell up Drake!" David narrowed his eyes at me and stood up abruptly with Monica in his arms. He took of his ski mask and pulled back his lip in a form of a snarl. "Shut it or I will show you where's the door." He growled. I took a step back and decide to lean on the wall and let my boss do all the work instead.

"We will discuss this later David." My boss narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "But first wake her up."

David nodded and started to rub gently on her shoulders. She opened her eyes startled and started to breath hard.

"Told you it was a bad idea." David grumbled.

"Take your hands off my girl and do what I tell you!" My boss spat. David's eyes went round and I don't judge him, I would have done the same if I got spat liked that.

David helped Monica get her balance and she stood in the center like a lost little girl.

"Hello sweetheart." My boss whispered.



I stood frozen in my place as I stared at the man in front of me. His eyes wouldn't stop staring at me. Those eyes that looked awfully familiar.

"I'm not yours." I gritted my teeth.

"No? Since when did we stop being together? Was it because I left for that business trip?" The man snatched my arm and pulled me towards him. My neck could feel his warm breath.

"What are you talking about?" I felt my heart freeze.

The man smirked and took off his ski mask revealing his face.

"Lewis...." My throat clogged up. "Lewis..."






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