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*Third Pony*

The Timber Wolves chased the Main Six out of the Everfree forest and through Ponyville. Ponies were shutting and locking their doors and windows, not wanting the wolves to make them their next meal. Twilight Sparkle was leading the gang toward the castle. Rainbow Dash flew ahead and swung open the doors. Rarity ran in screaming, Pinkie laughing, and Fluttershy cowering in fear. Applejack tried to tie the wolves together, it didn't work so she gave up. Rainbow was flying around and got two of the four wolves' attention. Dash flew in between the buildings and squished one of them. The last one was tough, so she did some sharp turns. Only that didn't work. Dash quickly took cover in the castle leaving Twilight outside.

Twilight flew up and used her Alicorn magic to blast away the wolves. All that was left was a pile of sticks, twigs, and leafs. Twilight levitated the pile back to the Everfree forest. All the ponies came out of their homes and cheered for Twilight. "That. Was. AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash told the lavender mare.

"Oh, it was nothing." Twilight blushed as more ponies surrounded her.

"THIS CALLS FOR A 'TWILIGHT SAVED PONYVILLE' PARTY!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down.

"Pinkie, I just got rid of the Timber Wolves. It's not like I stopped a bomb from blowing the town up." Pinkie just smiled and started to plan the party in her head. The six ponies headed back to the castle to continue their daily activities; doing nothing.

They were all sitting in the dining room enjoying some cupcakes and lemonade, when Spike sat up and coughed out a letter. Twilight took it and read it. Then she read it over and over and over, until all the confused ponies asked her what it said. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia. She knows what happened with the Timber Wolves."

"So." Apple Jack said.

"Well, she wants to send royal guards here to the castle. She wants us safe, since were connected to the elements."

"You mean she wants you protected." Dash sassed.

"Well, yes and no. Me all the time. But if there any threats you will come to the castle under the Royal Guards protection." all the sudden Spike coughed up another letter. It was sent by Princess Cadence, but Shining Armor wrote it.

It read;

Dear Twily,

Princess Celestia informed me about the Timber Wolves. She also asked for me to send some of my best guards to protect you and your friends in Ponyville. She also wants you to have a personal guard for a while until you get used to your Alicorn magic, and flying. So me and some of my guards will be arriving in Ponyville tomorrow. See you then!

Shining Armor

Twilight smiled at the fact that she would get to see her BBBFF, but hated the fact she would have some Royal Guard following her around everywhere she went. Rarity got so excited that she would get to see the guards' every day. She went on for a good 30 minutes about how strong and handsome they are.

*Flash Sentry*

(Day Before)

I was waiting outside of Shining Armor's office. He is the captain of the Royal Guards, also known as my boss. When he asked for me to come to his office I got a bit scared. I thought he might fire me, or give me an awful new job.

I sat outside the large crystal door waiting, going through all the possible things that could happen. After a few minutes one of my colleges came out with a huge grin plastered on his face. He looked at me, nodded, and then walked back to his post.

I stood up straight and put my helmet back on. Shining Amour came out and waved me in. I followed him in and shut the door behind me. He sat at his desk and flipped through some papers. "Have a seat Flash." he pointed toward the red velvet seat.

I sat down and he looked up at me. "Sir, why I'm I here, in your office."

"Because you're being promoted."

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhhmm." he slide a folder across the desk. "In here is some papers you need to read."

"Okay sir. But what am I being promoted to exactly?"

"Its part promotion, part job relocation." he got up and walked over to a picture of him and Princess Twilight. "You're moving to Ponyville. They need protection, and I'm reassigning you there. Your promotion part is you'll be in 1st command at Princess Twilight's castle. But because you are one of my best guards, a test will be held to see if you qualify to be her personal guard."

"But sir, if I'm 1st in command, and Twilight's guard, how will that work?"

"Easy. Your right by the Princess so if any decisions need to be made you'll be right there to discuss it with her. Also your pay will triple." he sat back down in his chair.

"Thank you sir. I have a question."


"What other ponies are doing the test?" I was just curious as to whom my competition will be.

"There are 3 ponies; you, Note Worthy, and Golden Touch. Is that all?"

"Yes sir."

"We leave early tomorrow morning. You have the rest of the day off to get packed and rested."

"Thank you sir."

"You're dismissed." I walked out and closed the door quietly. I took off my helmet and shrank down to the floor. I tried to process what was happening. I looked at the pale yellow folder in my hoof. First command in Ponyville, and possibly Princess Twilight's personal guard! So much is happening, and my family would be so proud. I headed toward the living quarters and started to pack everything up. I was all set and ready to go. The folder was laying on my bedside table, so I picked it up and headed for Crystal Cafe.

When I got there I ordered a strawberry shake. I sat down at the table and began reading through the papers. There were papers about Ponyville, the elements of harmony and the harmony tree, Princess Twilight's friends, and Princess Twilight herself. My job description was also in there, along with some papers about the test.

The test would test our strength, wisdom, and courage. I was good at all three. I would also have to do a flying test because I'm a Pegasus. Princess Twilight and Shining Armor would be judging the whole test.

I've bumped into Princess Twilight a few times. I never really got to know her though. I hope there isn't a test on how well we know the Princess.

When I finished studying all the paper's, Luna was just starting to raise the moon. Most of the shops shut down so I headed home. I needed a good night's rest. Because the next few days are going to be long.

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