*Third Pony*
Twilight was plummeting towards Ponyville. She closed her eyes and thought of all the memories she had of Flash. As her personal flashback continued, she started to cry, then it felt like she was falling in slow-motion. She blinked and saw the ground only a few feet away. Then she reached her last memory of Flash; him walking away from her.
Time sped up and she felt pain ripple through her body as she collided with the ground. Then everything went black.
A few pegasi guards rushed over to the Princess. She was motionless so the guards searched for a pulse and found one. It was slow but still beating. "Quick! Call a doctor and get her inside!" the leader shouted. He stayed by Twilight and crowd started to gather. Spike pushed through with Twilight's friends and they all stared in shock.
Eventually some ponies came with a stretcher and gently placed Twilight down on it. They carried her back into the castle and toward the castle hospital. The doctor galloped down the hall after the crowd of ponies. He found an operation room and began to examine her.
Spike and the rest of the Main Six stood outside in the hall. Spike was scribbling down a note to Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash was pacing, Fluttershy was cuddling Angel, Apple Jack was cutting and eating an apple, Rarity was playing with her hair, and Pinkie Pie was already planning Twilight's 'Welcome Back Party'.
Hours passed by and Spike sent his letter. Princess Celestia responded and would be there tomorrow morning with Princess Luna and Twilight's family. The ponies one-by-one fell asleep. Spike was still awake. The scene of Twilight falling kept playing over and over in his mind. Soon he felt tired and drifted off.
*Flash Sentry*
(Friday Morning)
I was at my post by the door when another guard came in. He ran to Princess Cadence's thrown and requested for Shining Armor. She nodded and told another guard to find him. Within a few minutes Shining came galloping in. "What's going on?" he questioned Cadence.
"I don't know. But its urgent." they turned to the guard and waited for him to speak. "Go ahead." Cadence spoke softly.
"Princess Celestia sent me here to tell you that Princess Twilight Sparkle is in the hospital. And she's not doing well." Shining and Cadence got up and ordered a train to Ponyville. I almost passed out. Hearing that Twilight was in the hospital made me feel guilty. It felt like I did that to her, even though I have no clue what's wrong. I had to see her.
I told the guard who was watching the door with me that I felt ill and galloped to my room. I packed my saddle bag and found another guard to fill in for me. The train was just about to leave and I flew into the third car at the last second.
My body ached a bit from the rough landing. I climbed out from the pile of baggage and began to place it back on the shelf. Soon I finished and took the only seat that was open. The scenery was a blurred mess of colors. I couldn't help but think of Twilight. She was always on my mind, ever since the day I left her.
I thought back to what Princess Luna told me. Some pony is going to get hurt. That pony was Twilight. "Oh Celestia. I hope she's okay." I mumbled. Maybe now was the time to forgive myself. To stand up to Shining and not let him get in the way. "I Flash Sentry, here by forgive myself for not doing what my heart told me, for breaking all my promises and leaving Twilight. And by forgiving myself, I hope to follow my heart and heal Twilight's." I don't care if people were listening, I don't care at all.
Sorry for the short chapter! I've been having a rough time at home. Plus I'm so busy! So I'll try to update Sunday! If not it will be Monday!
So yeah! Can't wait for Friendship Games! We have 3 more days!
So till Sunday!

Flashing Lights
FanfictionWhen Flash Sentry get promoted, he finds himself personally guarding Equestria's newest Princess; Twilight Sparkle. As the two get to know each other better, the more they find themselves falling in love. A terrible mistake happens and Flash is sent...