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*Twilight Sparkle*

I woke up the next day to a knock on my door.

Celestia was just starting to raise the sun.

Another knock was at my door, so I got out of bed to answer it. There at my door was Flash Sentry. I rubbed my eyes to make sure it was him. When my vision cleared again, I could defiantly tell it was the orange Pegasus. I smiled and he said, "Sorry Princess. I didn't mean to wake you. You told me seven, so I thought you would be up."

"No its fine. I guess I slept longer than usual."

"Oh, okay. And Ms. Applejack brought over some apple strudels for breakfast." he gave a sly smile and looked at his hooves.

"Okay. I'll be ready in a minute." I closed the door and levitated a brush through my mane, tail, and forelock. It flattened to its usual self.

Spike was snoring away in the corner, and I knew I should wake him up. He loved the Apple's strudels. Well, really anything the Apple's make. I nudged his bed and he rolled over. I sighed and levitated the blanket off of him. He tossed and turned, then rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Why'd you do that Twilight?" he yawned.

"A.J. brought over some apple strudels." and as soon as I said that he was out the door running down the hall. I giggled and joined Flash in the hall.

"He sure does like his strudels." Flash chuckled.

"He loves anything made by the Apple's." as we walk down the hall, some of the guards would salute Flash. He was 1st in command, so I would expect that. We finally arrived and Flash held open the door for me. He was so nice, and such a gentlecolt. He even pulled out my chair for me to sit down.

As we ate breakfast, I asked him a few questions about how the guards train and test. It was actually quite interesting. The way they train for all sorts of situations, and different positions. It turns out that Flash got leadership training, so he could lead groups and command them. And he still had to go through all the work outs and stuff.

Spike was leaning back in his chair patting his ball like belly.

*Flash Sentry*

Princess Twilight decided that her pet owl needed to have a checkup. So we got her pet and walked to Fluttershy's Cottage. It was quite interesting seeing her house in real life and not some picture from the yellow folder. I knew that Fluttershy was good with animals, and was basically the town vet.

As Fluttershy looked at Owlowiscious, Twilight asked me another question. I didn't mind it, her being a Princess and all, she deserved to have all the answers. "Flash, are you allowed to have a pet?"

"No, because guards never have the time to take care of them. Plus it's a distraction, and guards can't be distracted." I could tell she felt bad. She had a look of sorrow on her face.

"Oh," she paused. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I signed up for this lifestyle knowing what I'd be giving up."

"What did you give up?" She questioned.

"Well pets, relationships, and freedom."

"So you can't have friends or get married?"

"Basically. I can have other friends that are guards and that's about it. And the only reason that your brother and Princess Cadence got married was because 1, he showed he could maintain a relationship and not be distracted. He got his job done and he did it well. And 2, because they showed that their love is powerful and can be useful."

"If you show those qualities, then can you get married?" I could tell that she felt bad that I didn't really have a life or much of an opportunity to make friends and date.

"I'm not sure. I guess if that time ever comes, I'll find out." I looked into the pond by the cottage. My reflection showed a pony that I've been working to be my whole life. If you sign up for the Royal guards, you're committed to your job, not your life. I sat down, just staring at my pale reflection. The Princess joined me and looked at her reflection too. "And to think that so many ponies choose that lifestyle." she sighed and laid down, her left front hoof touching the surface of the water.


Its been 3 DAYS! I know, I know.

I've been really busy lately. Its crazy. I have to babysit then go school shopping, then babysit again and petsit. 

And sorry the chapter is kinda short! I tried!

I'm going to type to chapters tomorrow, between some loads of laundry. And hopefully 2 Thursday. There will be no updates Friday, Saturday or Sunday because I will bee out of town. And I have to record the preview of the friendship games. (Crying right now because I can't watch it will monday.)

Oh and today I got my second piercing!

So good night! See you tomorrow!(Not literally! ;))


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