*Flash Sentry*
I woke at 6am sharp. I put on my saddle bag full of belongs and flew down to the Cafe. I ordered my regular, which was a chocolate doughnut and a strawberry smoothie. I scarfed down my breakfast and flew to the train station. Its 6:55 and all the other guards that were promoted were gathering around. At exactly seven, Shining Amour came prancing through the crowd and up to the train car. "Every pony listen up," he shouted. "We will arrive in Ponyville tomorrow at eight. I hope you are all prepared for this long journey. We have plenty of food on the train. So load into your assigned cars and get seated." Princess Cadence ran up to Shining, kissed him, and told him that she sent the letter.
I boarded train car five and picked a seat next to Yankee. Him and I talked quite a bit. I guess you could say we are friends. "So what's your job?" Yankee asked me.
"I'm actually 1st in command, and possibly Princess Twilight's body guard."
"Dude, that's huge! Are you gonna be able to handle that? I mean like HELLO STRESS LEVEL!" I laughed at Yankee's comment. A few of the other ponies stared at me but I didn't care. You get used to it. Being a guard means every pony stares at you, weather their walking by, or taking a tour.
The car door flung open and Shining Armor walked in. We all got on our feet and saluted him. I stood frozen after that, like I was a statue. Shining walked through the 3 rows of ponies and stopped when he came across me. "Come with me Flash Sentry, and bring your bags." I gulped, nodded and grabbed my bags. He stood at the door waiting for me to follow. I stepped out in to the next car and then the next till we were in car one. "I don't mean to scare you Flash. But I meant to place in this car."
"Why this car sir?" I questioned.
"Because you're 1st in command, and also will be testing to be a personal guard," he walked over to the food table and grabbed an apple, "because you're all those things, you have to greet my sister when you get off the train. And you will be staying separate from all the other guard ponies. And if you become her personal guard, you'll sleep in the room across from her." he took a bite of the apple and looked at me. "Understand?"
"Yes sir." I put my bags under the seat I was currently sitting on. The only ponies that are in this train car are Shining Armor, Note Worthy, and Golden Touch. Golden Touch was a white colt with gold like hair. His cutie mark was a golden sword. I wondered why a sword though. Note Worthy was studying his folder he got the other day. So I decided I should do the same. Shining started talking to Golden about the castle. Apparently this castle had really long hallways and was cold because the foundation was mainly crystal. There was a door that led to a hallway full of separate doors that were rooms for all the castle employees. But we would be placed right down the hall from the princess.
It was getting late now. We just had dinner which consisted of Chicken noodle soup (or Grass Soup) and rolls. It actually wasn't that bad. Every pony was starting to yawn and soon I was yawning. I stretched out on the red bench and watched as Celestia set the sun and Luna rose the moon. And soon I found myself drifting away off to a far land.
Flash's Dream:
I was walking with Princess Twilight down the long hallway. Discussing today's list of things to do. We finally reached the end of her long list and I smiled as I escorted her outside of the castle. I heard her gasp and looked to see what caught her eye. All of Ponyville was on fire. She ran out and tried to use her magic to put it out, but it was of no use.
I was 1st in command, I had to do something. But I couldn't think of anything. I sat there, frozen, not knowing what to do or where to go. The flames were reaching the castle and soon I was engulfed in them. I thought that was the end. I failed to play my role and my price is death. When I blinked Princess Luna stood before me. The flames were circled around us. "Princess Luna." I bowed and she looked at me.
"Flash Sentry. This dream of yours is a warning. Take it seriously, or you will face consequences." Her voice boomed.
"Wait, you mean this dream is going to happen?" I questioned her.
"Not like this, but it still is a great threat to Ponyville." A shiver washed over my body and I couldn't help it. "Now I must go and lower the moon. Remember this Flash Sentry, or you will pay." Luna faded away and so did the rest of the dream.
I woke up in a sweat, every pony was staring at me. "You okay Flash?" Shining asked.
"Y-yeah. I just need a minute." I sat up and looked out the window. The moon was lowering and the sun rising. I was still shaking and decided that breakfast might help. Oatmeal, apples, and muffins were on the breakfast table. I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and a few apple slices. I ate my meal in peace and Shining announced we would be arriving in 20 minutes.
Hope your enjoying the story!
I am editing this, and I want to mention the Chicken Noodle Soup. I was clearly not thinking straight. But over time I feel like this has become in an inside joke. So I left it and put next to it in parentheses GRASS SOUP. So now we will all be pleased.

Flashing Lights
FanfictionWhen Flash Sentry get promoted, he finds himself personally guarding Equestria's newest Princess; Twilight Sparkle. As the two get to know each other better, the more they find themselves falling in love. A terrible mistake happens and Flash is sent...