*Third Pony*
Flash woke up the next day, ready to be tested on his wisdom. He wondered if it would be math, or reading, maybe even Pony History. That subject was his favorite. He wondered down hall to the kitchen and got some toast. They would be meeting in the library. Flash felt pretty confident about yesterday. After he ended up in first with 25 points.
The orange pony trotted happily to the library. Every pony was there. The three guards lined up in front of the Princess and the Prince. "So for today's part of the test, you will be solving a riddle." Shining stated.
Flashes confidence dropped through the floor. He sucked at riddles. He could solve or read anything except for riddles.
"You will all get the same riddle. There are two parts to it; solving it, then doing what the answer tells you to do." Princess Twilight seemed excited. She loved riddles, but not the ones that threatened Equestria.
"You will be scored on your wisdom, obviously, a correct answer and the time you solved it in. First place gets 10 points, second gets 5, and third gets 2."
"You may pick a table that has a riddle on it and get started." Twilight watched as the three ponies scrambled to get their hooves on a riddle.
When Flash sat down at the desk he remembered how Twilight asked him to find the riddle book. He couldn't believe the thought never crossed his mind that she was finding a riddle for the test. Flash read the riddle over and over, but it made no sense.
To find the answer you seek unscramble the letters below:
So far Flash knew it started with 'to'. He thought the second word was fishin'. Then it hit him. To finish the... the... Flash thought to himself. Then Note Worthy got up and raced for one of the sections in the library. Golden couldn't even figure out the first word. Let's just say he's not the brightest.
Flash started to panic. What if I can't solve the riddle and I get last. What will they think of me!? He read the jumbled sentence one more time. Then it hit him. To finish the riddle you must find the object of mind.
Flash sat there for a minute trying to think what the object of mind could be. Note Worthy came galloping out of the isle he was in and headed for the exit. Flash watched and when Note was out of sight he continued to think. Object of mind. At the desk next to Flash, Golden was drawing his cutie mark.
Flash let out a small laugh then went back to the riddle. He remembered one day when he was a colt, some lady read his mind. But she used some special ball thing. A crystal ball, Flash thought. Then he was galloping out the door.
There was only two ponies he knew that would have a crystal ball; Pinkie Pie and Zecora. Pinkie Pie lived closer, so he galloped toward Sugar Cube Corner. When he got there Pinkie was making some cupcakes. "Hi, Pinkie. I'm looking for a crystal ball." Flash told the bright pink mare.
"A crystal ball, huh?" Pinkie was gone in a pink blur. Then the lights went out and a small glow came from the center of the room. Flash walked closer to the glowing green light. When he was close enough he could see the outlines of Pinkie's face. "Pinkie, can-" the stallion was cut off.
"I'm Madame Pinkie. I do not know of this Pinkie Pie." she crossed her arms and Flash sighed.
"Madame Pinkie, can I-" Pinkie shoved her hoof in his mouth.
"Fine. I'll give you a free reading." the pink pony rolled her eyes.
"Pinkie I just wanted to know if I could borrow your crystal ball. I need it to finish a section of the test." the lights turned back on and Pinkie wasn't wearing a ridiculous outfit anymore.
"Then why didn't you say so silly?" she held out the ball with a wide grin on her face.
"Thanks." Flash took it and galloped toward the castle, not knowing how much time that took up. When he got there Note was finished and apparently Golden gave up. Flash gave the object to Princess Twilight. She smiled and said, "Well done Flash, you got second." he watched her as she placed the crystal ball next to the one Note got.
"So we have the scores. Note got first, Flash got second, and Golden third. We will add the points to your previous scores. Will let you know when we have the total." Shining turned to Twilight and they started to calculate the numbers.
After a minute they both turned around and Twilight spoke up. "Note Worthy and Golden touch are tied with 19 points. Flash is in first still with 30."
Flash smiled proudly, Note and Golden glared at each other. They were dismissed and so Flash headed back to his room.
He was right outside his door when he heard his name being called by Princess Twilight. "Flash! Flash Sentry!" he turned around to see Twilight flying really fast toward him. She was trying to stop, but couldn't. Flashes eyes went wide and then they collided.
"I'm so sorry. I haven't figured out the brakes yet." the princess was blushing as she unwrapped her wing that was around Flash.
"It's fine Princess. I was like that once too." He smiled trying to lighten the mood.
She giggled before saying, "I just wanted to congratulate you. You've done pretty well so far."
"So far. Tomorrow you test my courage. And I know Golden excels at that."
"But you still got a shot. Second isn't bad either." the purple mare tried to make Flash feel better.
"You're right." he looked down at his hooves.
"I have to go return these crystal balls. Have a nice night Flash."
"You too Princess." Twilight walked away and Flash decided to shower.
While he was showering he thought about tomorrow's test, and how they would be tested.
And that's a wrap! I'm almost at 100 reads! which to me is so cool because I've only been writing this book for six days! I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

Flashing Lights
FanfictionWhen Flash Sentry get promoted, he finds himself personally guarding Equestria's newest Princess; Twilight Sparkle. As the two get to know each other better, the more they find themselves falling in love. A terrible mistake happens and Flash is sent...