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*Third Pony*

"Where's Flash?" Twilight asked Shining.

"I don't know." Shining responded. And right after Shining said that Flash walked in panting. "Where have you been?" Shining demanded.

"I got lost sir. I was trying to memorize the castle." Flash said between breaths.

"Well now that everyone is here, let's eat." Twilight looked at Flash then at her brother. All 4 ponies sat down and talked until the main course was served. They had salad and for desert they ate apple fritters.

All the ponies sat back in there chairs, not sure if they could eat any more. Spike was still shoving gems in his mouth. Twilight sat up and said, "Tomorrow at 10am, the first test will start." then she fell back in her chair.

(Time skip)

Flash was looking out his bedroom window. He was afraid for the test tomorrow. It was 1am and he couldn't sleep, which would be perfect because he would need all the strength he could get tomorrow. The orange stallion sighed and stared at the stars. Only if sleep would welcome him. He got up and walked over to the bed, pulled the covers up to his muzzle and tried to sleep. Maybe I'm trying too hard, he thought to himself.

He kept trying to sleep, and when 2am rolled around he got out of bed and started to wonder the castle. The castle was dead silent, other than a few guards who were working the night shift. Flash would just nod them when he passed. Soon he neared the end of a hall. There were two big doors taking up most of the wall. And one of the doors was slightly opened. So the orange Pegasus went to investigate.

He pushed open the door a bit further to see inside, but no one was in view. He walked into the room and noticed it was a library. There were rows upon rows of books. Flash decided maybe a little reading would help him fall asleep. He walked through the rows, trying to find a good book. He eventually gave up his search and sat down at a table. He noticed on the table was a book open to a certain page.

He pulled the book closer and started to read it. Love can be very powerful. You would be surprised at how much it can affect ponies. "Love?" Flash whispered to himself. He continued to read on about this love. Love is one of the most powerful kinds of magic, more powerful than dark magic and the Elements of Harmony. This magic is rare and can only be discovered between to special ponies. Ponies that are meant for each other. This special magic is revealed when the two ponies are in desperate need. Or if one of the ponies is fatally ill and they confess their love. The most powerful type of love you can get is an Alicorn with an Alicorn, or an Alicorn with another pony. "What are you doing?" he quickly put down the book and turned to find Princess Twilight.

"I was just trying to find a book to read." he pushed the book back further and Twilight gave him a questioning look.

"But the test is in six hours. I would think you would need your rest." she walked over to the desk and Flashed stepped aside.

"I can't sleep." he looked down at his hooves hoping she wouldn't notice that he read her book.

"Oh," Twilight stepped back to look at him, "Well if you're going to stand there, can you get me a riddle book? It should be under 'R'."

"Yes ma'am." the orange pony set out to find the book. He looked high and low but could not find the book. When he walked back to Twilight, he noticed she was reading the book about love. "Princess Twilight."

"Yes." she set the book down.

"I couldn't find the riddle book." he hoped that she wouldn't be disappointed.

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