*Third Pony*
Twilight rushed across the hall and knocked on Flash's door. She didn't care if it was 1am, she had to tell Flash. The knock echoed through the hall and Flash opened the door right away. He looked like he had seen a ghost. "Uh, Princess Twilight. What are you doing here?"
"I had a dream Flash. I think it means something." Twilight walked into his room and started pacing.
"What was it about?" he asked curiously.
"My friends and I all had special some ponies. And there was a villain we had to defeat using a special power that involved them. But I don't know what." The purple mare left out the part about her special some pony being Flash. She studied his face and noticed that he had a weird look in his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"Well I think I might have had that same dream." Flash rubbed his neck and blushed.
"What do you think it means?"
"I have no clue." the orange Pegasus sighed and tried not to show any feelings toward Twilight. If they had the same dream, they defiantly knew how they were each other's special some ponies.
"I bet Princess Luna knows!" Twilight half shouted.
Right after Twilight said that, Princess Luna appeared on Flash's balcony. "I do know, for it was I that gave you two that dream." Luna stepped inside and stood between Flash and Twilight.
"Princess Luna!" Twilight and Flash said at the same time and bowed. "Are you here to explain the dream?" asked Twilight.
"Yes, and unfortunately I do not know all the answers to your questions. I had the same dream two nights ago and decided that you should know. My dream cut off in the same place as yours. So I do not know who you will be facing."
"So you think that this dream is about the future." Questioned Flash.
"I think so, but I cannot be certain." Luna walked back out to the balcony. Twilight and Flash followed. "This dream seemed to be toward the middle of winter. Its early spring now, which means we have 9 months to figure out who were up against and what magic we need to defeat him."
"I would think we would use the elements of harmony." Twilight suggested.
"But in the dream, the elements weren't used. It was a different kind of magic. One that we don't know of, one that we need to find."
"But we don't know what it is! So how are we supposed to find it?!" Twilight panicked.
"I don't know. But I'm sure what your studying now might help," Luna opened her wings and nodded to the ponies. "We'll figure it out. But you should get some sleep." And with that the Princess took off into the dark night.
Twilight just stood there, thinking about all the possibilities and different outcomes. Her eyelids were getting heavy and she knew that Flash probably wanted his room to himself. "Flash, I'm going to bed. But we are defiantly looking into this tomorrow."
"Okay. Goodnight Princess."
"Night Flash." and with that the two ponies went back to bed.
(Next Day)
Both ponies were up at seven. Twilight was studying in the library and Flash stood there watching. What if Twilight is supposed to be my special some pony? He thought to himself. To him this dream meant two things; 1. A threat to Equestria and 2. Twilight might be his special some pony. (3. Soarindash is best ship! ;))
Twilight kept looking through her notes about love and reading a few books. She didn't understand any of it. She never loved some pony, so she doesn't know what love feels like. The purple Alicorn looked up at Flash and asked, "Have you ever been in love?"
Flash took this as a surprise but answered honestly. "No."
"What about a marefriend?" he shook his head 'no'. Twilight sighed and continued her hunt.
A Royal Guard walked in and whispered something into Flash's ear. He nodded, cleared his throat, and said, "Princess Twilight, Rarity is here. She has some sort of emergency."
"Oh, okay." Twilight used her magic to clean up the mess then walked outside to meet Rarity.
"Twilight! Darling! It's just awful!" Rarity cried then made a couch pop up for her to lay on.
"What is it?" the purple pony asked.
"My whole line is ruined! Sweetie Belle and her friends decided to have a fashion show and ruined them!" Rarity sobbed and used a tissue to wipe away the mascara creeping down her cheek.
"So you want our help to fix it?" asked Twilight. Flash blushed when she said the word 'our'. Pinkie was right, they were a team. He wondered about the secret that Princess Twilight was keeping from him.
Soon they were at Carousal Boutique, helping Rarity sow. Flash was tracing the fabric, Twilight was cutting it, and Rarity was sowing it together. They did this until Celestia set the sun. They finished about an hour after sun down. "Thank you so much!" Rarity pulled them into a group hug.
"No problem." Twilight pulled away and rubbed her hooves.
"See you around darling!" Rarity showed them the door and the two ponies headed back to the castle.
While they were walking, Flash noticed that the Princess was limping. He also noticed that she kept rubbing at one of her hooves. He stopped and the mare looked at him funny. "What's wrong?" he asked.
"Oh nothing." she mumbled.
"It's something because your limping and rubbing your hooves." he tried to look at one but she pulled away.
"Okay, fine! My hooves got in the way a few times when I was levitating the scissors." She held out her two hooves for Flash to look at. The cuts weren't that deep, but walking on them without being covered could infect it. So Flash scooped up Twilight on his back and walked that way till they reached her room.
He set her on her bed and found some band aids in the bathroom. He wiped down the cut and the carefully applied the band aids to her hooves. When he was done, he noticed Twilight looking at him. She seemed to be caught in a trance. He blushed a deep shade of red then spoke a sentence that was too fast for him to even understand, "I think I like you." he didn't notice what he had said until the Princess' eyes went wide.
"You what?" he sighed of relief that the Princess didn't understand.
"Nothing. I was just thinking out loud." (A/N Yeah, haha Ed Sheeran. I seriously didn't mean to put that there.)
"Oh, okay," the mare yawned. "I think I'm gonna go to bed. She curled up under the covers. Flash watched as she drifted off. Being her guard for a few days was already starting to affect him. The stallion was starting to feel feelings towards her. Feelings that he never felt before. The dream crossed his mind, and he thought, I wouldn't mind Twilight being my special some pony.
But he shook the thought form his head remembering what Shining Armor told him.
I'm back!
And I saw the sneak peak for the Friendship Games. And now I wish that is was on DVD.
But MLP episodes are staring up again on sept. 12th! Hurray!
I will hopefully be updating again on Wednesday. Tomorrow is a busy day for me and so is Thursday.
And thank you guys for 465 reads! Its crazy to think that in the last chapter I was thanking you guys for 300 reads!
Thanks for the support!
Till Wednesday!

Flashing Lights
FanfictionWhen Flash Sentry get promoted, he finds himself personally guarding Equestria's newest Princess; Twilight Sparkle. As the two get to know each other better, the more they find themselves falling in love. A terrible mistake happens and Flash is sent...