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*Flash Sentry*

(Thursday Morning)

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. It was Shining Armor. "We're here." He said sternly and grabbed his bags. I yawned, stretch out my legs then grabbed my bags too.

When I stepped off the train it felt weird. I guess just being back here felt weird. On the way here my thoughts kept drifting to Twilight and what she would be doing in Ponyville. I missed her. Even though I'm not supposed to. I kept having dreams about her too. The whole train ride I was thinking and day dreaming of Twilight.

I carried my bags back to my old room in the living quarters. I still had my job as guard, I'm just less important now. My post was by the castle doors. I get to announce names and all that jazz.

My room was quite. There were two beds, my roommate got moved to Ponyville with me. So now this room is mine. I unpacked my stuff and decided to shower to clear my mind. But not even the warm water could clear my thoughts.

I had the day off, so I flew down to the cafe. My saddlebag was light, because I was only carrying some papers. The old mare working the counter smiled when she saw me. "Why hello Flash! Decided to come back for a visit?"

"No. I got moved back here." I tried to smile, but you could tell something was wrong.

"You want the usual?"

I nodded, "With extra whipped cream please." She wrote it down and I handed her the bits.

Most of the tables were full so I sat in a booth that was meant for two. I sighed and pulled out the yellow folder. I studied the pages. Every single crisp, white page. I looked at the photo of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. She was so happy. I hope she understands that her life will be better without me.

I turned to the next page and the old mare set down my smoothie. The whipped cream was piled on top like a mountain covered in snow. She stood there staring at the photo. "Is that Princess Twilight?" She finally asked. I nodded. "You fell for her, huh? And that's why your back here," I nodded again and she sat across from me, "If you really love her and know what's best for both of you, you'll do what's right."

"But I am doing what's right. I'm keeping distance. She's better off without me anyways." I looked out the window and saw a pony couple shopping together.

"Think about what you feel. And listen to that, and only that." Then the old mare got up and left.

I continued to look through the folder. Each page stabbing my heart. Eventually I started to cry. The old mare then told me to leave and get some sleep, so I did so.

The only problem with sleeping is that I dream of Twilight.

*Twilight Sparkle*

(Same Thursday Morning)

I woke up and immediately began to cry. My heart felt like it was ripped in half and shredded to pieces. Spike woke up and gave me a hug. The little dragon was trying his best to comfort me. But honestly it wasn't helping at all.

I grabbed a few tissues, blew my nose, and dabbed my eyes. There was a knock on my door and my new personal guard stepped in. "Princess, your friends are here to see you."

"Let them in." My voice quivered.

My five friends trotted in and gave me a group hug. They all cooed at me and Rarity told me I needed a makeover.

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