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*Third Pony*

Flash and Twilight decided to go and eat at Sugar Cube Corner. It was quite early, but Pinkie always opened early. Flash held open the door for Twilight and she thanked him. They were the only ponies in there. Pinkie was preparing Cinnamon muffins and strawberry smoothies for them.

While they were eating Twilight asked Flash a few questions. Mainly about his past and all that fun stuff. He already knew everything about Twilight because of the folder Shining gave him. Well he thought he knew everything until Twilight told him the story of her cutie mark, then about how she was too good for regular school. That she excelled in magic when she was just a foal.

Flash couldn't help but take a good look at her and realize that this is the kind of mare he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with. But he couldn't. Shining won't allow it.

He admired her as she continued to tell him about her foal and filly years. She was super smart, Celestia basically tutors her, and she never really had friends until she moved to Ponyville.

Soon they were telling jokes and laughing together. "Princess Twilight?" Flash asked.

"Call me Twilight. We're friends' now." she gave off a gentle smile.

"Okay, Twilight. I got a message from your brother yesterday. He is going to be coming in a week to make sure things are okay."

"Oh," her face seemed to droop. "I guess he didn't feel like telling me."

"Well he wanted me to pass the information on to you."

"Oh." Her mood lightened a bit. Flash didn't know what to do, so he hugged her. Twilight seemed quite surprised, but returned the hug.

*Twilight Sparkle*

After Flash and I finished our breakfast, we headed to Fluttershy's cottage. She said she needed help making sure all the animals coming out of hibernation were in good health. Flash knocked on the door and Fluttershy opened it. "Hi guys," she spoke in a soft voice. "Come in." she held opened the door further and we walked in. A whole bunch of animals were crowded in every corner of her house.

She explained what to do, so I got started. Flash just stood guard, watching over every animal so we don't miss one. He seemed kind of board, and I kept noticing that he would sneak glances at me. I would just blush and pretend I didn't notice.

I checked every animal Fluttershy assigned to me. She smiled and thanked me. Soon she finished up and I dismissed Flash for a few minutes. He didn't wander too far, I figured he wouldn't. "Hey Fluttershy, remember my secret?" she smiled and nodded. "Okay, well I think Flash might like me."

"Really?! You should ask him."

"No, I couldn't do that." I blushed just thinking about the thought.

"You should talk to Pinkie. She's good at this stuff." Fluttershy picked up Angel and cuddled him.

"Yeah, I guess I could. Thanks Fluttershy!" I waved and started to walk out the door.

"Your welcome! Bye Flash!" She waved at him and we walked back to Sugar Cube Corner.

Pinkie wasn't working a shift so we sat at a table and talked. Flash was standing outside the door. He was very alert. I could tell he cared about me in some sort of way. I just don't know which one.

"So Twilight, what's up?" Pinkie asked me.

"Well you remember my secret?"

"Well duhhh! You have a crush on Flash Sentry!" She smiled brightly and I hoofed my face.

"Shhh! Pinkie! The whole world doesn't need to know!"

"Okay." she seemed calmer, but she's always full of surprises. You never know with pony.

"Well I think Flash might like me. But I'm too afraid to ask."

"Just tell him you like him, maybe then he will tell you that he likes you back." she sucked down the rest of her chocolate milkshake and shoved a cupcake in her mouth.

"Yeah, but there's a fifty-fifty chance." I stated.

"Then let's find out what fifty it is." she grinned and called Flash over. Flash seemed a bit confused and I was a nervous wreck. I felt like if he told me he didn't like me I would burst into tears. "Twilight has a crush on you," she began and Flashes face turned a deep shade of red. "Do you like her back?" Now his face was the shade of a brick. His eyes kept darting around the room, as if he was nervous too. I put my face in my hooves getting ready to hide the tears.

Then he finally spoke. "Yes, I do. But you can't tell Shining! I don't know what he'll do to me." Pinkie smiled said her work was done and left.

"Don't worry," I placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I won't let him find out."

He looked up at me and gave off a sly smile. "Really? You'd do that for me?" I nodded and couldn't stop the blush from creeping into my cheeks. "So what now? I mean, now that we know we both like each other." He asked.

"I don't know." And I really don't know.

I like Flash a lot. Whenever I think about him I feel a feeling that I've never felt before. It's almost like magic.


Hurray! New chapter! quite intersting huh?

So my next update will be Friday. I'm super busy tomorrow. I go get my teeth cleaned. Then right after that I head to the ortho and get more attachments for my invisilign. After that I go to the Lions pre-season game. My brother gets to play on the field during half-time. So that should be exciting!

And guys, I reached 500 reads! Like Holy Crap! Its crazy that I'm getting a little over 100 reads everyday!

And thank you for all the support!

So goodnight!


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