Chapter 23

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Kayla POV

"Owwwww." I groaned out as I rolled over. My whole body was aching, those stupid meat heads must have flung me around like a rag doll.  

I opened my eyes and stared up at a dark gray ceiling. I immediately knew that I had made it to the room from my visions. I turned my head to the right and came up close and personal with a gray wall that matched the ceiling. I groaned again and turned my head to the right, Arissa laid next to me, still in her disguise. I breathed out a sigh of relief, her spell had held. Sadly though, that meant I was still Ashley 'I get passed around like an STD' Anderson, not cool.  

I pushed myself up into a sitting position and cradled my head in my hands. I did a mental assessment of everything that hurt; the back of my head by my neck, the leg I kicked the idiot with, and my spine.  

"Oh good, you're still the skank," Arissa groaned out weakly from the ground. 

"Yeah, and you still look like that B word I was talking about earlier," I spat. I really hated my disguise.  

"Are we in the right place?" She asked. She joined me in a sitting position, groaning the whole way up.  

"I do believe so," I looked around the room to see even more girls than before.  

Most of them were curled into themselves, lying on the floor, and a few were huddled together in small groups against the wall. Every single one of them looked broken, bruises all over their bodies, and you could almost smell the metallic scent of the dried blood that clung to their cuts.  

"C'mon jerk, let's get to work," I told Arissa.  

We both stood up and stretched out our sore bodies. A few girls looked over at us with concerned faces, but didn't make a move or speak. 

"Sadie?" I asked.  

I got everyone's attention with just that one word. Girls were hissing and me to 'shut up' while others just shushed me.  

"Ashley?" I heard someone whisper from behind me.  

I turned my body to see my best friend, her blonde hair was a tangled mess, and dirt covered most of her body along with cuts and bruises. I could tell she had been crying, she had small trails down her face where the tears had cleaned away the dirt. My heart clenched at the sight of her.  

"Oh my god Sadie, are you ok?" I asked as I flung my body towards her.  

She shrunk away from me, her brows were scrunched together and she held her hands in front of her chest, facing me.  

"Ashley, what are you doing?" She asked. Oh right, I'm the skank.  

"Um, it's actually me, Kayla," I stuttered out. 

"Riiiiiight, they must have hit you hard," 

"No seriously, it's me. I don't really have time to explain all this to you." I huffed.  

"Ok, prove it," She said, stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest.  

I let out and exasperated sigh as I racked my brain for something only I would know about Sadie. She was pretty much an open book and told anyone anything. If anything, she held all my secrets.  

"Ok, I got you to agree to join the Cheer Squad by telling you that boys would like it," I tried pathetically.  

"Anyone would know that," she scoffed.  

"You lost your virginity to Zack Bosley," 

"He told everyone that," 

"Oh oh, I got it," I said, jumping up a little, "the first time you got your period, you thought you were dying. You ran to the nurse's office and insisted that they call 911, when they didn't, you did it yourself and they sent an ambulance to the school." I smiled, that was hilarious.  

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