Chapter 25

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Kayla POV 

I walked around the vexatious gray room, silently thinking to myself, I wanted to be as prepared as possible for the escape. I knew we could have just waited around for the pack to come and save us, but something inside of me was saying that wasn't supposed to happen. I hated the feeling, it was foreboding and made me tense with anticipation. My best guess, or worse depending on how you looked at it, was that if we did wait for the pack we would get blown up.  

The sounds of the door clicking pulled me out of my thoughts. I swiftly rushed over to Arissa and Sadie and sat down. The girls angled their bodies so that I was out of sight, we weren't one hundred percent sure that they wouldn't see through my disguise. Even though the other two idiots hadn't, didn't mean it would go that way with all of them. I already knew they had witches, there was a possibility that they could see right through me.  

When the door swung open, so did my mouth. Standing in the room, with all her crazy glory, was the white haired witch. That wasn't good, our pack had done a few things to piss her off, and she was probably ready to kill me by now. Bryson's dad refused to hand me over, I flipped her off in a vision, and my witches shocked the hell out of her; yeah, she might be bitter.  

Just the knowledge that she was there, in the same room, and just feet away from me, sent shivers down my spine. I didn't care what anyone else thought, that chick was scary, and obviously mental. We had never physically been in the same room before, and now I was on her territory, where she could torture me. My odds weren't looking too good.  

When she stepped completely inside the room I was able to see that someone was with her, and I almost choked; it was Josh! Josh, the boy who helped me in class a while back. That was the insider, the one who had been watching me? That jerk had helped me escape embarrassment like a nice guy, when in reality he was stalking me like an obsessed ex-boyfriend. Oh, I am gonna whoop his ass! 

The witch took my attention away from Josh when she began to move. She positioned herself in the middle of the room and closed her eyes. She then extended her arm and pointed her finger out, then she did a small spin. When her movement stopped, she opened her eyes and smiled. Not a happy smile, more like an 'I eat kittens' smile. She then flicked her finger towards the small girl in front of her and sent her flying backwards into a group of girls.  

'Bring witches!' I sent to Bryson quickly. I didn't think Arissa was going to be enough magic to take this crazy witch down. That girl had just been standing there quietly, and she attacked her. Who does that? 

"Where are the two brought in last night?" Josh asked with a disturbingly calm voice. He was definitely not the way I remembered him. I remembered him smiling, and nice, but now he looked menacing.  

I felt Sadie stiffen in front of me and Arissa sat taller. I had no plans of jumping up and yelling 'Over here, buddy.' By the lack of noise coming from Arissa, I figured she felt the same way.  

"They're over there," some yelled from across the room.  

I whipped my head around and barely made out the dirty girl pointing towards me. I sighed in defeat and stood up, grabbing Arissa's hand and making her stand up with me. The witch walked over to us and just stared. It was like she was trying to blow us up with her mind, that's how intense she was. Her eyes never left mine, and her stance was completely still, while I shifted on my feet.  

"Names," she hissed. 

"I'm Britany and this is Ashley," Arissa said calmly.  

Josh stepped up to me and his eyes widened. I knew he had recognized 'Ashley'.  

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