Day 1: Dear Best Friend

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  • Dedicated to Jenni Tang

Well I have so many best friends that I have to choose one ;O bleh but here it goes. 

Dear Jenni, 

    You have been friends since we were in middle school We had only talked for a bit then and then high school hit and that's when we got closer. I can truely say that you are one boy crazed chick! lol Remember when we chased down boys? Those were fun times. I mean were the kind of best friends that have little to say yet so much, that have little fights, and whole lot of trust. We can be crazy and we don't judge each other no matter what. We still manage to talk even when we are so far away.

       I still remember the times where we "stalked" chris? lol Okay so it all started with him being the new guy and then I already thought he was cute but then you and cat asked about him and then I was like yeah hes in my first period and that's when you told me to go over to him and tell him about you. I really didn't do this stuff but I went and did it for you. So I went over there to where he was sitting and was like "Um so you see those two girls over there by the door?" And you guys were all like being all girly and trying to act like I wasn't talking to you, you even ducked from the door when he looked lmao but then I was like "Yeah well they told me to tell you that you were cute." He started laughing and little and smiling while shaking his head oh and he said okay? Very slowly... and then I walked away. I was seriously thinking, "I can't believe I did this." lmao I went over to you guys and you guys were like what did he say and blah blah, I told you and then you guys had to leave and I had to take my seat. lol 

       Then when it came down to lunch time you guys made me come with you to stalk him and give you guys facebooks... I mean really jenni? Really? lmao I remember ya'll were behind him and stuff and then he ended adding you on facebook and then you guys talked and then you eventually went out... lol yeah I was the reason for this lmao but then you started getting all complicated and your parents were getting all complicated and yeah you guys broke up... then got back together again.. then broke up... and that's when we tried getting you guys back together again during bowling and the movies lol I think would probably be before my birthday.. or no where near it, im not sure but like.. well yeah you guys ended up together.. I remember tho that your mom saw you and him sitting in the movie though and you had to go home and stuff.. omg.. lol xD Fun times >.< 

      Yeah we didn't even get to do our sleepover before I left D; But that's okay because you know one day you are going to go down here or I'm going to go down there even tho I think you should come down here and stuff and we can spend time with each other. lol I've been helping you out with boy problems ever since and well I'm really glad that I'm the one to do that.... But ever realize that our friendship was mostly involving cho? xD

       Oh yeah I even remember the time that I thought you were mad at me and stuff for telling Kat about well.. the whole your better than her and stuff... and Idk what was going through my mind but I'm glad you weren't mad.. and well I wonder if that ruined your guys friendships.. I still feel bad for that D; But I mean what can you do about it? haha And plus like we got closer because of it? haha Oh and the fact that you guys said you guys talked behind my back too... Which kinda stung a little but you know an eye for an eye haha 

       But I guess ever since that time we haven't had any problems with each other.. haha We both been busy but that's so understandable.. haha I hope still are best friends in the future because you know you have to be in my wedding  :P  Plus I mean you have to do my girls makeup and stuff lol 

      Oooooo makeup! How we both love to experiment with it lol I realize now how much better I am at applying it than at 14 cuz man my face did not look good! lmao But you never said anything so... hahah Oh and you know I'm always going to be that short friend? xD haha You know we should have taken more pictures together xD Ugh not enough...  So like I said whenever you get down here.. well you better take as many pictures with me as possible xD lol

      So much has happened down here and yet so little... like well you already know about the lot but yeah.. I wish you were here so then we can go places and go on adventure and then you would be able to pick on fun and cute clothes and well we would just to everthing lmao ah I miss you ! </3 Well anyways I love you and thank you for being a good friend to me when others weren't. You were my crazy boy crazed Ulzzang loving tall Asian friend and I think you will always be! <3


Brittanee <3

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