Day12: Dear person I hate the most

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WELL, I can't really say I hate anyone..or anyone the most but I do dislike someone very strongly. 

But the reason I say I don't hate people or bump it down to someone I hate the most is because there shouldn't be anything to hate about a person. We are all human. We are all going to get annoyed or mad at someone but that doesn't mean you should hate someone for it. People lose each others trusts all the time, people cheat, lie, etc. That shouldn't make you hate them. That should make you feel sorry for them. Sorry that they haven't found Jesus. lol Nah seriously tho they are messed up sure but who in this world isn't messed up. Don't sit there and tell me that your mind is perfectly fine or your perfectly normal because chances are, your nothing close to it. People can act like they are so normal but heck what's normal? Normal is boring and weird and crazy is more fun. 

You should never hate on someone for any reason. Just let God handle what needs to happen to them. I'm sure they will get what's coming to them. So basically I don't hate anyone. I may dislike you but I could never hate hate you. People are apart of life. Which means, you take what you got and you suck it up. 

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