Day 6; Dear Stranger

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Dear Stranger, 

      I know my parents said to stay away from you when I was younger but I would like to say that you can't make friends without first being strangers right? :) So I shall say this to you. If you ever want to become friends I am here. I am really friendly and if your friendly then I will be the bestest friend you encounter, got that? lol 

      I will be your shoulder to cry on, your jokester to laugh at, the one you can tease constantly. I can be anything you want really because I try to be a good friend, unlike some people >.> I will do anything in my power to stick up for you and make sure no one says anything mean to you again. Even if you are a stranger, I will still do the same thing ^^

      IF ANY GUYS ARE READING THIS AND YOU ARE A STRANGER, well I need a wattpad hubby D; lmao Idk.. why I mentioned that or a big brother, if your interested.. uh you should PM me xD You must be older than me o.O

       But yeah I can fangirl with you over anything and we can share interests and see if we have anything in common and we can just talk hours upon hours about everything and nothing :D hehe sooooooooo 

Hi stranger! (^.^)/)

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