Day 13: Dear someone I wish could forgive me

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Your not really a person but you are someone. "How many times can I break before I shatter?"

Dear God, 

I know I ask for forgiveness all the time for everything that I do but I sit here and ask for it again. Sometimes I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I always hope that you do forgive me. I can't say really what I ask you to forgive me for but just know the things I have done, I'm sorry. Everything in my past I'm sorry. I think you have forgiven me already but Idk.. you can't really ask for too much right? I'm not innocent and I'm not pure but I try to make up for it every day and try to set an example for everyone. Sometimes it can be over whelming but I do it anyways, to show you that I can be someone you love in your eyes. I thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed to me and everything that you have taken away and the things that I have been selfish for, I ask for that forgiveness that I seek. 

Sometimes the forgiveness that I seek from you is really the forgiveness I seek in myself.... But yet I can't seem to forgive myself.. which makes it like, how do I expect you to forgive if I can't forgive myself, right?   Sigh.. okay let me stop this cuz I don't even know where I'm going with this..:/ 

Just please forgive me for all my sins.

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